Reference no: EM132410178
ME606 Digital Signal Processing Assignment - Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Assessment Title - Review of popular signal-processing task
Unit Learning Outcomes covered in this assessment
a. Development and implementation of signal processing.
c. Understand the design of multi-rate signal processing and their applications.
f. Apply discrete wavelet transforms for processing images and audio.
g. Develop understanding of video and audio compression systems.
Assignment on image classification techniques
1. Give an overview of the image classification techniques.
2. Explain a case study for image classification using the sample references in the assignment folder or online resources (include graphs and tables showing the improvements).
3. Discuss your findings.
References -
1. Image Classification in Remote Sensing by Jwan Al-doski, Shattri B. Mansor and Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd Shafri.
2. Image Classi?cation using Random Forests and Ferns by Anna Bosch, Andrew Zisserman and Xavier Munoz.
3. ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks by Alex Krizhevsky, Ilya Sutskever and Geoffrey E. Hinton.
4. Compact Feature Learning for Multi-domain Image Classification by Yajing Liu, Xinmei Tian, Ya Li, Zhiwei Xiong and Feng Wu.