ME503 Telecommunication System Engineering Assignment

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Reference no: EM132587911

ME503 Telecommunication System Engineering - Melbourne Institute of Technology

Assignment: Understanding the fundamental systems engineering principles and their applications in telecommunication systems

Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate in-depth knowledge of system engineering and understand how to make a system more reliable and efficient;

Learning Outcome 2: Acquire in-depth technical knowledge of signalling, switching and call routing in Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and population queuing models;

Learning Outcome 3: Obtain conceptual knowledge and understanding of system reliability, maintainability, costing and design for affordability and human factors;

Part 1 A: PBX and Reflective Journal (Due Week Three)

Question 1: Advancement on Private Branch Exchange (PBX)

The majority of modern organisations are using Private Branch Exchange (PBX) system for internal communications. By the introduction of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology and cloud network, there are significate changes in PBX system. In this context, prepare a report including the following sections:

a) Evolution of PBX and emerging PBX systems.
b) Comprehensive analysis of current and emerging PBX systems in terms of reliability.
c) Architectures of PBX systems (at least two architectures).
d) Compare and contrast different PBX systems in terms of costing (at least two PBX systems).

Question 2: (Reflective Journal Week 1 to 2)

Every student has to watch at least one video weekly video (available on the Moodle every week) relating to the topic for the week and write reflective journal weekly from week one (1) to two (2).

The purpose of this assignment is to identify new learning, self-realization and plan for improvement. Students will have an opportunity to explore the use of the online tools (e.g., online blogs) to record and reflect on their learning in different ways. Students are required to:

• Record the development of their ideas or insights.
• Reflect upon the unit content and personal experiences.

• Analyse their own learning and self-development.
• Plan to improve on identified strengths and weaknesses.

Students are required to explore situations from a personal perspective, and/or based on previous learning/industry experience. They may use the DEEP method to reflective writing. The four steps in this method are:

• D - Describe experience (past or present)
• E - Explore or consolidate new learning
• E - Evaluate/analyse/self-reaction
• P - Plan future learning

Part 1 B: NBN and Reflective Journal

Feedback Response Report

Student is required to submit a report in tabular form how feedback received from Lecturer/Tutor on Assignment Part 1A is incorporated in Assignment Part-1B.

Question 3: High Seed Connectivity NBN and Reflective Journal

Access to the Internet has arguably become an essential service. However, the quality of the service varies widely in Australia. Multiple governments had promised and begun to deliver a high-speed connectivity throughout Australia via the National Broadband Network (NBN). Prepare a comprehensive report containing following points based on research findings and industry reports.

• NBN technology and its architecture
• NBN advantages and disadvantages associated.
• Compare NBN with the similar technology used in New Zealand. Your comparison should incorporate cost and marketing.

Question 4: Reflective Journal Week

Every student has to watch at least one video weekly video (available on the Moodle every week) relating to the topic for the week and write reflective journal weekly from week three (3) to five (5). The purpose of this assignment can be found at PART 1A, Question 2.

Attachment:- Telecommunication System Engineering.rar

Reference no: EM132587911

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7/30/2020 9:29:43 PM

This assignment part A i need Attach screenshot in question to we need to feel table for any of two video from these link two separate table for two video. Fill one paragraph for each parameters.

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