MCT101 Office Applications Assignment

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133129317

MCT101 Office Applications - Seneca College

Assignment - Review Exercise

Part I:


Open the Digital Cameras from Blackboard. Create a folder named, Final Sample. Save the file inside the new folder as Final Exam Sample.
Bold and center all paragraph headings and capitalize each word.How Digital Cameras Work, Types Of Digital Cameras, Standard Compact, Zoom Compact, Adventure Cameras, Super-zoom, Smartphone Cameras, Compact (Mirrorless) System Cameras, DSLR, In Closing.
Add a coloured border around two paragraphs. Shade the area when the border has been added.

Bold, center and underline the title (Digital Cameras) of the document. Change the size of the title to 16 points. Change the font of the title to Arial.
Add the Whisp Cover Page to the document. Add the title Understanding Digital Cameras. Add Seneca College for the Company Name. Add your name and title to the cover page and delete all other information on the Cover Page.
Spell check the entire document.
Insert a Page Break before the Standard Compact heading.
Move to the end of the document. Create the following table:

Row 1: Digital Camera Pricing Chart
Row 2, cell 1: Type Row 2, cell 2: Description
Row 3, cell 1: Standard Compact Row 3, cell 2: Small, light, and fairly cheap. Usually an introductory model.
Row 4, cell 1: Zoom Compact Row 4, cell 2: Similar to standard compact, but benefit from a morepowerful zoom lens. These cameras tend to be a little more robust.
Row 5, cell 1: Adventure Cameras Row 5, cell 2: Similar to compact cameras. They are usually waterproof or even freeze proof.
Row 6, cell 1: Advanced Compact Row 6, cell 2: Options such as manual exposure mode and manual focusing features, optical viewfinders, and external flash connections, make these cameras a good option for photographers who want more control over their photos.
Row 7, cell 1: Super-zoom Row 7, cell 2: These cameras are usually fairly large with and SLR type body, which means hand-grips and an electronic viewfinder, these cameras often benefit from powerful zoom lenses and image stabilization.
Row 8, cell 1; Smartphone Cameras Row 8, cell 2: Some smart phones are capable of capturing photos at 16 megapixels and offer a great low-light capability. Features and prices vary hugely from model to model, so it pays to do your research.

1. Merge and Center the title of the table. Change the size of the title to 13.5points.
2. Bold the second row of the table, italicize the second row of the table.
3. Increase the height of row 1 to 0.9 and centre the title vertically.
4. Add a table style to the table .
5. Add a header to the document with the time on the left and the date on the right (make sure to update the date automatically). Add a footerwith the text, Report Prepared by: your first and last name in the center. Change the size of the header and footer text to 9 points.
6. Resave the document. Close Word.

Part II: Microsoft Excel

1. Open the Digital Cameral Purchase Plan worksheet from Blackboard.
2. Save the spreadsheet in the folder created in Part I. Name the spreadsheet Final Excel Section
3. Merge and center the title of the spreadsheet.
4. Increase the height of row 1 to 30, change the size of the title to 16, and centre the text in row 1
5. Change the height of row 2 to 25. Bold row 2. Centre row 2.
6. Change the width of all columns to 17 and wrap any cells, if needed.
7. Add the currency format, currency style, with one decimal place to the numbers in the spreadsheet.
8. Name the sheet tab, Computer Purchase Plan. Colour the sheet tab.
9. Add a coloured double-line border above row 9.
10. Shade the last two rows of the spreadsheet a colour of your choice.
11. In cell D3 find the New Computer Price. Copy the answers down to row 8.
12. In cell B9, find the Total for the New Computer Prices.
13. In cell B10 find the Average for the New Computer Prices.
14. In cell E3 find the Percentage of New Computer prices, (Hint: you must use Absolute cell referencing). Copy the answer down to row 8.
15. In cell F3 create an IF statement that will display the text, Automatic Approval, if the New Computer Price is greater than or equal to 1100. Display the text, Supervisors Approval Necessary, if the New Computer Price is less than 1100.
16. Copy the answer down to row 8.
17. Insert a row before row 2.
18. Create a Chart of your choice displaying the original and new computer prices. Place the chart on a new sheet.
19. Add a title to the chart, (make sure that the title reflects the chart contents.
20. Give the horizontal and Vertical axes appropriate names and add either a data table or data labels to the chart.
21. Apply a background colour to the chart and name the Chart Sheet tab, (make sure that the name reflects the chart contents). Colour the sheet tab.
22. Add a header to the spreadsheet that displays the text, Spreadsheet prepared by: Your first and last name, in the center.
23. Add a footer to the spreadsheet that displays the date on the left and the time on the right.
24. Add gridlines and row and column headings to the spreadsheet.
25. Change the orientation of all the workbook spreadsheets to landscape.
26. Resave the workbook and close Excel.

Part III: Microsoft PowerPoint
Open PowerPoint and create the following presentation.

Slide 1: Title Slide
Preparing to Buy a Digital Camera

Why Do You Want A Digital Camera?
• Better flash photography. A smart-phone flash doesn't perform as well as one on a compact digital, something that becomes apparent when you shoot in dim light.

• Longer battery life. Using your smart phone to capture memorable moments will quickly drain the battery, leaving you camera-less and phone-less until you can get to a power source.

• More storage. Images are space hogs. So unless you regularly curate the image gallery on your smart phone, you could find yourself out of storage space at a picture-perfect moment.

Slide 2: Title and Content Slide

Slide 3: Two-Content Slide
Questions to Ask Before Buying
• What am I using it camera for?
• What do I hate about my current camera?
• What do I want most from my new camera?
• Which camera would the salesperson buy and why?
• How much am I willing to invest?

1. Add a slide design to the presentation
2. Change the bullets on slide 2 and 3 to check marks.
3. Change the layout of slide 3 to a Two Content slide. Add a picture of your choice to the second content box.
4. Add a picture style to the image on slide 3
5. Change the height of the image to 2 inches, do not adjust the width.

6. Add the following Title and Content slide after slide 3. Create a table and type the following text into the slide
7. Bold and center row 1 of the table.
8. Change the table design of the table.
9. Add custom animation to slide 3. Animate the title with an Entrance effect of your choice. Animate the text with an Emphasis effect of your choice. Animate the picture with a Motion Path of your choice. Change the order of the animation so that the picture enters first, then the title then the text.
10. Add Transitions to all sides in the presentation.
11. Using the Slide Master add a small picture of a camera to the bottom right side of the slides. Change the height of the picture to 0.7 inches. Add a picture style to the picture. (the picture may or may not appear on slide 1).
12. Add timing of 5 seconds to all slides in the presentation.
13. Add a footer to the presentation with the text, Presentation Prepared by: Your First and Last Name. Add the current date and the slide number to the presentation. Do not show the footer on the first slide.
14. Resave the presentation. Close PowerPoint.

Attachment:- Assignment Sample.rar

Reference no: EM133129317

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MCT101 Office Applications Assignment : MCT101 Office Applications Assignment Help and Solution, Seneca College - Assessment Writing Service
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4/21/2022 1:36:09 AM

This assignment is on basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel and power point. I have attached a sample assignment for reference. Please look at it carefully. This is a sample of what the test will be like. It has Instructions on what do to, if you follow the instructions correctly you will do well on the assignment I have attached a sample of what the assignment will be like. If you follow the instructions and have knowledge of how to use Word, Excel and power point you should be fine.

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