MCIS 5313 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM133079210

MCIS 5313 Data Structures and Algorithms - Southern Arkansas University

Part a

Implement the three algorithms presented in the first class on slide 18 of the file Wk1_Ch04_the_efficiency_of_algorithms.pptx as 3 methods:

methodA, methodB, methodC
There you have the algorithm A, B and C. You will run the three implementations of the algorithms with imputs and do the computation but it does not need to print to the screen the actual sum (for the last value it could exceed the maximum value stored into a long); it should print on the screen the time taken for the running of the algorithm :


To print the time you should use something like
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); methodA(1000000); long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println("That method A for 1,000,000 took " + (endTime - startTime) + " milliseconds");

Your submission for part a should be the java file/files for solving the problem, an actual list of the running times for all the 3*3 possibilities (3 algorithm*3 imputs each)

Part b.

Implement a STACK of floats as discussed in the second week of the class (for example WK2_b_Ch06_Stack_Implementations.pptx WK2_b_Ch06_Stack_Implementations.pptx - Alternative Formats ) as a linked list and as an array.

You should ask the user what operation to do (Push/Pop/Peek/Clear/etc) and if needed the parameter needed then perform that operation.
Your submission for part b should be the java file/files for solving the problem.

Part c.
compare the following pairs of functions and say whether f(n) is O (g(n)) for each of the following:

pair 1: f(n)=100,000,000     g(n)=1
pair 2: f(n)=100,000,000     g(n)=n
pair 3: f(n)=100,000,000     g(n)=n2
pair 4: f(n)=n                    g(n)=100,000,000
pair 5: f(n)=50 n                g(n)=51 n
pair 6: f(n)=50 n                g(n)=log(n)
pair 7: f(n)=n log(n)           g(n)=n2
pair 8: f(n)=n2 log(n)          g(n)=n3
pair 9: f(n)=                      g(n)=log(n)
pair 10: f(n)=n2 log2(n)      g(n)=n3

Your submission for part c should be a sequence of 10 False/True with the following meaning: if the 5th response is True it would mean that for the pair 5 f(n) is O(g(n)), on the other hand if 5th response is False thenitwpuld mean that for the pair 5 f(n) is NOT O(g(n)).

Attachment:- Data Structures and Algorithms.rar

Reference no: EM133079210

Questions Cloud

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MCIS 5313 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment : MCIS 5313 Data Structures and Algorithms Assignment Help and Solution, Southern Arkansas University - Assessment Writing Service
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