May the employer do so

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131494824

Question: Rey owed Imperial Bank $400. When he couldn't pay, the bank took a judgment against Rey and filed a garnishment against his wages. Rey's employer agreed to turn all Rey's salary over to the bank until the debt was paid in full. May the employer do so?

Reference no: EM131494824

Questions Cloud

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Share a photo of your family : SLIDE 1: Share a photo of your family SLIDE 2: Summarize the key demographic factors of your family members (ages, gender, marital status etc.)
What is the ads objective : What is the ad's objective? How would you critique its effectiveness in targeting a specific market?
May the employer do so : Rey owed Imperial Bank $400. When he couldn't pay, the bank took a judgment against Rey and filed a garnishment against his wages.
Described how well-formed goals are developed : Described how well-formed goals are developed. What are some of the characteristics of a well-formed goal? What skills and techniques would you use?
Benefits of working with clients on defining : Explain the benefits of working with clients on defining "what will be different when their problems are solved",
Resilient and liberated characters : How did with the rise of the feminist movement in the 1960s and 1970s, films began to change and present females
May egon lawfully withold the data : Egon Company advertised that its new diet pill could reduce one's weight by 10 percent. When a potential customer asked to see the data supporting this claim.


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