Reference no: EM132858692
In the government implementation guide on Corporate Social Responsibility, answer the following questions concerning bribery and important international laws with implications for Canadian companies.
1. What is OECD and what is its brief mission statement? (research required)
2. What is the name of the legislation in Canada that makes bribery and corruption with foreign public officials a criminal offence?
3. What is the maximum penalty for bribery of foreign officials?
4. Which entity has the responsibility and authority to lay criminal charges for bribery of foreign officials?
5. Should bribery and corruption be a core part of CSR? If so, why?
6. Can not-for-profit organizations be charged with bribery? If so, when did this become law in Canada?
7. Some important international laws demonstrate something. What do they demonstrate?
8. What do international laws 'signal' regarding CSR?
9. In 2012 what new rule by the USA regarding mining safety was implemented?
10. What did the UK Anti-Bribery Act requires organizations to do?
11. What did the EU require its members to do?
12. Have you ever practiced bribery in Canada? in India? in China? Don't answer this question if you do not want to, but think about it.