Maximum hydraulic conductivity in an aquifer

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Reference no: EM1383718

Consider a situation where the maximum hydraulic conductivity in an aquifer is directed along the x axis and has a value of 0.0001 cm/s . Because of layering and depositional patterns there is anisotropy such that the minimum hydraulic conductivity is directed along the y axis and has a value of 0.00003 cm/s. The gradient (direction of decreasing head) in this aquifer is directed at an angle of approximately 120 degrees counter-clockwise from the positive x axis (based on measurements of head in nearby wells the head seems to be decreasing about 2 meters over a distance of 1000 meters in that direction). Using your knowledge of the two-dimensional, anisotropic forms of Darcy's Law, estimate the magnitude and direction of groundwater flow at this site. Sketch a conceptual model of this situation, show all calculations and results.

Reference no: EM1383718

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