Maximum differential settlement under the foundation

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Reference no: EM1384074

To determine the initial void ratio assume Gs = 2.65. Assume also that settlements of any sand and gravel layers can be ignored?A rectangular building is to be constructed on a site where the soil profile consists of 3m of dense sand overlying a 5m thick layer with an over-consolidation ratio of 1, which overlies rock. The soil properties of the clay are Cc = 0.25, Cr = 0.05, gsat = 18 kN/m3, for the sand gsat = 18 kN/m3, and the water table is 2 m below the soil surface. Determine the settlements when a stress of 100 kPa is applied by the building over an area of 10m × 5 m on the soil surface.

Write a report to show the effect that the sub-layer thickness has on the calculation of the settlement

  • To determine the maximum differential settlement under the foundation.
  • To discuss the accuracy of the settlement calculations.

Reference no: EM1384074

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