Maximize transfer of new skills and behaviors

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133376859


1. To maximize the transfer of new skills and behaviors from the training site to the job site, it is useful to:

A. Provide adequate practice

B. Gesture a lot

C. Show the excepted payoff matrix.

D. Use "well done" often.

2. The ____________________ analysis should identify both what employees are actually doing and what they should be doing.

A. Task

B. Person

C. Job

3. The process of identifying the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the target audience's needs, the target audience's existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics is the __________ phase.

A. Design

B. Implementation

C. Analysis

4. Which of the following responses does not apply. Organizational characteristics that influence training include:

A. The country's political environment

B. Top Management Support

C. Roles of Employees and Managers

5. Role playing is a hands-on training method where:

A. Trainees work in teams to compete for prizes.

B. Trainees' decisions result in outcomes that mirror what would happen if they were on the job.

C. Trainees act out characters assigned to them.

6. The balanced scorecard focuses on the following metrics:

A. Sales, service, profits, and compensation

B. Management, executives, board members, and business owners

C. Financial, customer, innovation and learning, and internal

7. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) are:

A. Mobile devices (PDAs, GPS, RFID, etc.)

B. Face-to-face instruction, and other methods for distributing learning content and instruction.

C. Instructional systems that use artificial intelligence.

8. The following are steps of the training and development process EXCEPT:

A. Evaluation and follow up

B. Needs analysis

C. Summarize and review

9. Poor customer service is always indicative of the need for more training.

A. True

B. False

10. The strategic training and development process includes all except

A. Recruitment, coaching & assessment

B. Training and development activities

C. Business strategy analysis

D. Strategic training & development initiatives

11. _______________ training has become more important as competition demands better service.

A. Educational

B. Repair and service skills

C. Customer service

D. Development

12. _______________ is the method used to give new or present employees the skills they need to perform their jobs.

A. Training

B. Orientation

C. Performance evaluation

D. Selection

13. . Which of the following is not an element addressed by global training programs?

A. Cross cultural technology transfer

B. Contracting with private schools

C. Business basics for the foreign executives

D. Language training.

Reference no: EM133376859

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