Maximization of a linear function be effective for a company

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM133469434


Linear programming is a mathematical modeling technique in which a linear function is maximized or minimized when subjected to various constraints. Linear programming is often used when seeking the optimal solution to a problem, given a set of constraints. To find the optimum result, real-life problems are translated into mathematical models to conceptualize linear inequalities and their constraints better.

  • How can minimization and maximization of a linear function be effective for a company?
  • Using at least a business as a basis, show how this can help the company achieve its goal of profitability.

Reference no: EM133469434

Questions Cloud

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Maximization of a linear function be effective for a company : How can minimization and maximization of a linear function be effective for a company?
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What is the formula for gdp : What is the formula for GDP? What cycle is the economy when at it's peak? In a trough?
Introduced the oncepts of the apc and aps : Have you experienced any changes to your APC and APS over the past year as a result of the higher rates of inflation currently being reported?
How have institutions evolved in botswana and zimbabwe : Broadly speaking, how have institutions evolved in Botswana and Zimbabwe? What impact did their respective institutions have on their long-term growth?


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