Mathematical problems in industry

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Reference no: EM131442553

Mathematical Problems in Industry Assignment

Q1. In lectures we defined the Sobolev space H10(V ) with the norm

||f||H10 = (Z∫Vf,if,idV)1/2.

However, since H10(V) ⊂ H1(V), it will also have the norm associated with the Sobolev space H1(V),

||f||H1 = (∫V(f2 + f,if,i)dV)1/2.

We want to show that these are equivalent norms. That is, there are constants k, K > 0 such that for any f ∈ H10(V),

k||f||H10 ≤ ||f||H1 ≤ K||f||H10.                                              (1)

(a) Show that if (1) is true, then there also exists k', K' > 0 such that

k'||f||H1 ≤ ||f||H10 ≤ K'||f||H1.                            (2)

So equivalence is symmetric, as we would expect.

(b) We will show this equivalence for the one-dimensional case where V is the interval (a, b), though it is true for n = 2, 3 dimensions also. The left hand inequality of (1) is obvious (with k = 1). Let f be any bounded and continuous function with bounded and continuous first derivatives, and which is zero on the boundary of V, that is at x = a and x = b. Then for any x ∈ (a, b),

f(x) = axf'(x) dx,

where f' = df/dx. Why?

(c) Apply the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality to the right hand side of this to obtain

|f(x)| ≤ (ax|f'|2dx)1/2 (ax1 dx)1/2.

(d) Show that

|f(x)|2 ≤ ||f'||2L_2|x - a|

where ||.||L2 is the L2 norm defined in lectures.

(e) By integrating both sides with respect to x over the entire interval (a, b), conclude that

||f||2L_2 ≤ C||f'||2L_2

for some C > 0 which does not depend on f. What does C depend upon?

(f) Use the result (e) to prove the right hand inequality of (1).

(g) We have now proved (1) for the special case of f as described in (b). How do you think we would prove it for any f ∈ H10(a, b)? (Describe in words.)

2. We want to prove the result that there exists M > 0 such that for any f ∈ H1(V),

Vf2dV ≤ M(∫∂Vf2dS + ∫Vf,if,i dV).                                (3)

Intuitively, this result is saying that the size of f on V is "controlled" by the size of f on the boundary and the size of the first partial derivatives of f on V, where size is measured by the L2 norm. Again we will only consider the case where V is the interval (a, b), though the result is true for n = 2, 3 dimensions also. In the one-dimensional case the boundary integral over ∂V on the right hand side takes the simple form f(a)2 + f(b)2.

(a) Let f be any bounded and continuous function with bounded and continuous first derivatives. Using a similar argument as in Question 1(b), show that or any x ∈ V,

|f(x)| ≤ |f(a) + ax f'dx | ≤ |f(a)| + |ax f'dx|,

and so

|f(x)|2 ≤ 2(|f(a)|2 + |axf'dx|2)

             ≤ 2|f(a)|2 + ||f'||2L_2|x - a|)

(c) Integrate both sides with respect to x over the entire interval (a, b) to conclude that

||f||L_2 ≤ C(f(a)2 + ||f'||L_2)

where C does not depend on f. What does C depend upon?

(d) Deduce from (3) that there exists M' > 0 such that for any f ∈ H1(V),

||f||2H^1 ≤ M' (∫∂Vf2dS + ∫Vf,if,i dV).                         (4)

3. We next want to prove the result that there exists M > 0 such that for any f ∈ H1(V), the boundary integral

∂Vf2 dS ≤ M||f||2H^1.

Intuitively, this is saying that the size of f on the boundary is controlled by the H1 norm of f on V. Again we will only consider the case where V is the interval (a, b), though the result is true for n = 2, 3 dimensions also. In this one-dimensional case the boundary integral on the left hand side takes the simple form f(a)2 + f(b)2.

(a) Let f be any bounded and continuous function with bounded and continuous first derivatives. Using a similar argument as in Question 2(a), show that or any x ∈ V,

|f(a)| ≤ |f(x)| + |axf'dx|,


|f(a)|2 ≤ 2(|f(x)|2 + |axf'dx|2)

            ≤ 2|f(x)|2 + ||f'||2L_2|x - a|)

(c) Integrate both sides with respect to x over the entire interval (a, b) to conclude that

|f(a)|2 ≤ C||f||2H^1

where C does not depend on f. What does C depend upon?

(d) Prove a similar result for |f(b)|2.

Q4. Consider the weak formulation of the steady state Dirichlet problem in the form: Find v ∈ H10(V) such that

a(v, φ) = f(φ) ∀φ ∈ H10(V),

where the bilinear form a(., .) and the linear functional f(.) are defined by

a(v, φ) = ∫Vk(x)v,iφ,i dV and f(φ) = - ∫Vgφ dV - ∫Vk(x)U˜,iφ,i dV.

Here k(x) is the non-constant conductivity, g(x) is a source term and U˜ is a H1(V) extension of the boundary value U(x) to all of V.

(a) Suppose that there are constants m, M > 0 such that for any x ∈ V, m ≤ k(x) ≤ M. Show that the energy norm (a(., .))1/2 derived from the bilinear form a(., .) is equivalent to the H10 norm. (Hint: Use the property of integrals that for any functions f(x) ≥ h(x) then

Vf dV ≥ ∫Vh dV.)

(b) Assume that the source term g ∈ L2(V). Show that the linear functional f(.) is bounded on H10(V). (Hint: Use the result (1) from Question 1 above to bound the first integral in f(.).)

We have therefore shown that the assumptions of the Lax-Milgram Theorem are true for this problem.

Q5. Consider the weak formulation of the cooling problem described in Question 3(b) of Assignment 1: Find u ∈ H1(V) such that

a(u, φ) = f(φ) ∀φ ∈ H1(V),

where the bilinear form a(., .) and linear functional f(.) are defined by

a(u, φ) = ∫Vk(x)u,iφ,i dV + ∫∂V huφ dS and f(φ) = -∫Vgφ dV + ∫∂Vhu0φ dS.

Here k(x) is the non-constant conductivity, g(x) is a source term, h(x) is the heat transfer coefficient on the boundary and u0(x) is the temperature of the external environment.

(a) With the same conditions on k as in Question 4(a) above, and suppose that there are constants hmin, hmax > 0 such that hmax ≥ h(x) ≥ hmin, show that the energy norm (a(., .))1/2 derived from the bilinear form a(., .) is equivalent to the H1 norm. (Hint: Use the general results (4) above (5) to handle the surface integral term in the bilinear form.)

(b) Assume that the source term g ∈ L2(V ). Show that the linear functional f(.) is bounded on H1(V).

We have therefore shown that the assumptions of the Lax-Milgram Theorem are also true for this problem.

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Reference no: EM131442553

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3/28/2017 1:39:22 AM

Australian student, more step by step only 5 questions on file (Assignment 2.pdf). We have therefore shown that the assumptions of the Lax-Milgram Theorem are also true for this problem.

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