Math round of a built-in function

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM13765192

Q1: Math.Round is an example of a built-in function.


02: What is wrong with this Function prototype: Function RetumString(ByRef strReturn as String)

03: Write a function called "Squarer which will square any Long passed to it, and return a Single.

Paragraph -

04: Is this True or False : Not (((3 <= 5) And (5 <= 0)) Or (5 <> 4))


Q5: Functions can have arguments passed by either ByVal or ByRef.


Q6: Is this True or False? ("Class' < 'Clasr") OR ("Z" <> 'I)

Q7: Functions always have one return value.


Q8: Functions must always have at least one parameter or argument passed to them.


09: What does this function return:

Reference no: EM13765192

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