Mass communication scholars

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Reference no: EM133354003


The primary question for early mass communication scholars and those already in journalism departments was "What should be their focus?" Those already teaching journalism believed the focus should be more on skills and training. Mass communication scholars believed the focus should be on research and theory. Scholars taking an applied communication approach would probably be somewhere in the middle-seeking ways to use theory and research to improve communication in various settings. In your DISCUSSION FIRST POST, explore the following questions: Choosing from two extremes, do you believe the discipline or communication should focus more on skills or theory? Why? Are the two extremes enough to justify separate disciplines? For example, should UIC have two communication departments, one on skills and applied communication and one on theory and research? Explain your reasoning.

Reference no: EM133354003

Questions Cloud

How might concept of civil dialogue : How might the concept of "civil dialogue" impact the messages you send and receive in your face-to-face and digital communication?
Search engine optimization : How important are key words to Search Engine Optimization (SEM)? Why is mobile search likely to be even more important in the future?
Creating convincing argument : Creating a convincing argument, would it be preferable to have a higher amount of low-quality evidence or a lower amount of high-quality evidence?
Codes of ethics and highlights explained : Design a visually appealing resource to share with your colleagues that explains highlights of NEA's Code of Ethics, Model Code of Ethics for Educators,
Mass communication scholars : The primary question for early mass communication scholars and those already in journalism departments was "What should be their focus?"
Verbal and nonverbal behaviors during interaction : Observe a conversation between two people and comment on both their verbal and nonverbal behaviors during the interaction.
What behavior caused the scandal? : Prepare a short report on a company or other type of organization that was recently involved in an ethical scandal. What behavior caused the scandal?
Reduced business travel and events : Tourism Industry Trend in Canada. Reduced Business Travel and Events - a high yield and shrinking market.
Responsible use of corporate power in democratic society : What is the role of big businesses and the responsible use of corporate power in a democratic society ?


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