Masque of the red death

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Reference no: EM131690120

Choose one of the following questions to answer:

Poe: Analyze the colors used in the rooms and objects in Poe's "Masque of the Red Death." What do they represent? Who do you think is the narrator? (No, it is not Poe)

Hawthorne: In "The Ambitious Guest," Hawthorne is well known for using irony in his stories. Irony is sometimes difficult for readers to extract from stories, but it is fun to find. Identify at least a couple of examples of irony in "The Ambitious Guest." Were they difficult to find? What does the irony do to reinforce a point or make the story interesting?

Melville: Explain the subtitle of "Bartleby the Scrivener": "A Story of Wall Street"? What does Melville imply about the business world? Would those sentiments still be relevant today? Could the story be written today with a modern-day Bartleby, and what might he be like?

Reference no: EM131690120

Questions Cloud

Research the topic of conflict resolution : Please research the topic of conflict resolution. You can use you tube, TED talks, or other internet research.
Estimate the return differential at a debt ratio : Estimate the return differential at a debt ratio of 30%, assuming that the bond rating will drop to A-, leading to market interest rate of 8.00%.
What effect do cultural values-beliefs have on consumption : Collect/Post two advertisements and comment on how they apply to the cultural environment. What effect do cultural values and beliefs have on consumption?
Discuss bladder infection : Demi Daniels calls to ask you to change her diagnosis in her medical record from R/O (rule out) bladder infection to bladder infection
Masque of the red death : Analyze the colors used in the rooms and objects in Poe's "Masque of the Red Death." What do they represent? Who do you think is the narrator?
Crises are regular part of organizational life : Do you think planning becomes more important or less important in world where everything is changing fast and crises are regular part of organizational life?
Write an exploratory essay open form and thesis seeking : Write a 1500-1800 word exploratory essay open form and thesis seeking. Must have the same train of thought as last work provided (CryptoCurrency and its risks).
Estimate the unlevered value of the firm : Bethlehem Steel, one of the oldest and largest steel companies in the United States, is considering the question of whether it has any excess debt capacity.
Discuss american indian movement : What were or are the goals of the movement you have chosen. Be sure to indicate/name the social movement you chose to study


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