Reference no: EM133289620
1. There is a consensus as to the meaning of modernity.
True / False
2. Intentionality began with ideas and theories of human nature, knowledge, and what society could and should be. These ideas were then purposively used to improve the human condition.
True / False
3. According to Auguste Comte, a theocracy (the power to reign comes from God) is the polar opposite of a democracy (the power to rule comes from the bottom)
True / False
4. Auguste Comte suggests that philosophical and theological model is to be used to understand human behavior and is the core of sociology.
True / False
5. Positivism is a philosophy of science first articulated by Auguste Comte.
True / False
6. According to Comte, both mind and knowledge have moved through three distinct stages including theological stage, metaphysical stage, and transitory stage.
True / False
7. Theory is a logical explanation of how a given empirical phenomenon works.
True / False
8. According to Comte, society is an object, dynamic system that moves along a continuum of equilibrium and change. We need to look at its systematic qualities.
True / False
9. Comte also proposed specific methods for creating sociological knowledge.
True / False
10. According to Comte, there are two types of experiments. Direct experiments are suitable for sociology.
True / False
11. Herbert Spenser is primarily concerned with how societies change and function.
True / False
12. Functionalism is a theoretical perspective that began with the work of Talcott Parsons in the nineteenth century and was systematized by Herbert Spencer later.
True / False
13. Spencer sees society as a system and uses the organism analogy to understand society.
True /False
14. According to Spencer, systems tend toward equilibrium.
True / False
15. According to Spencer, society has specific needs just like every living organism has certain needs that must be met for it to survive.
True / False
16. Spencer argued that all systems should have the same requisite needs/functions (i.e., regulatory function, operative function, and distributive functions).
True / False
17. According to Spencer, the operative system involves those structures that carry needed information and substances.
True /False
18. According to Spender, structural differentiation in society is the process through which social networks break off from one another and become functionally specialized.
True /False
19. Spender defines a simple society as one which forms a single working whole unsubjected to any other, and of which the parts co-operate, with or without a regulating center, for certain public ends.
True /False
20. In Spencer's theory, industrial societies are societies where the state is dominant and controls the other sectors in society.
True / False
21. The metaphysical background of Marx's theory is informed by Hegel and Feuerbach.
True / False
22. Marx's theory was also influence by Adam Smith.
True / False
23. The five different economic systems Max categorized are pre-class societies, ancient societies, feudal societies, capitalist societies, and postmodern societies.
True / False
24. According to Marx, every commodity has at least two different kinds of value: use-value and exchange value.
True / False
25. According to Marx, surplus value can be generated through extending the working hours absolute surplus labor or relative surplus labor.
True / False
26. Industrialization is the process through which work moves from being performed directly by human hands to having the intermediate force of a machine.
True / False
27. According to Marx, alienation means that, in modern society, workers are not as close to each other as they used to be.
True / False
28. According to Marx, alienation is an objective state, although it is felt and experienced by the worker.
True / False
29. Marx argues that capitalism is based certain structural factors that create tensions (most notably exploitation and overproduction).
True / False
30. Durkheim is intensely concerned with understanding how class relations and inequality could be preserved in modernity.
True /False
31. The concept of social facts is the foundation of Durkheim's empirical approach to sociology.
True / False
32. According to Durkheim, the division of labor refers to a stable organization of tasks and roles that coordinate the behavior of individuals or groups that carry out different but related tasks.
True / False
33. According to Durkheim, social differentiation is the process through which people do different works.
True / False
34. Durkheim suggested that one of the factors that form organic solidarity is that structures become more dependent on one another.
True / False
35. According to Durkheim, Anomie refers to social instability and personal unrest resulting from insufficient normative regulation of individual activities.
True / False
36. Durkheim considers people as social creatures and need a certain level of group attachment.
True / False
37. Durkheim uses two social factors (division of labor and social identity) to explain four different types of suicide.
True / False
38. According to Durkheim, low group attachment leads to extreme individualism and the loss of a sense of reality and purpose, which further leads to egoist suicide.
True / False
39. According to Durkheim, under conditions of rapid population growth and diversity, anomie may result if the culture is unable to keep pace with the social changes. These social conditions are likely to lead to an increase in anomic suicide rates.
True/ False
40. The three pathologies proposed by Durkheim are anomie, forced division of labor, and detachment.
True/ False