Marketing research in todays business environment

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132108963

Assignment - Report

JWS Research is an independent, privately owned Sydney-based marketing research consultancy. The company is considering new technologies in order to enhance their marketing research capability and provide a more efficient and accurate service for their clients. The client base of JWS currentlyincludes ACT Government, Cancer Institute NSW, Government of South Australia, and Gold Coast Airport. JWS intends to join the early- adopters of data analytics technology users with the major source of data being social media.

JWS has no detailed knowledge of how this technology works and have asked you to prepare a report entitled:

"The impact of technology on marketing research in today's business environment." This report should be addressed to the Executive Management Team of MRC.

The aim is to identify what the company stands to benefit if they adopt these new technologies and try to persuade the Executive Team to make a decision to do so.

Please use a Report format with relevant headings, typed in Times New Roman 12 point font, with 1.5 line spacing.

Verified Expert

JWS Research is an independent, privately owned research firm with experienced professionals who are truly passionate about delivering strategic advice based on insightful and timely research. The research team at JWS has a collective experience that is trusted and relied upon by all tiers of Government, consultants and media alike to provide robust and accurate results. We see research as more than an end in itself. For us it is a tool to gain valuable insights into the motivations and thinking of key stakeholders and the public.

Reference no: EM132108963

Questions Cloud

Value adding and business value adding activities : Classify activities of this process in: value adding, non-value adding, and business value adding activities
What are the differences between equity and debt financing : Explain the major differences between equity and debt financing, and discuss the primary ways in which each would affect the future of the partners' business.
Decisions in the text be managed to ensure that product : Even though De Mar’s product is primarily a service product, how should each of the 10 strategic OM decisions in the text be managed to ensure that the product
What limitations will this place on manufacturing : What limitations will this place on manufacturing, retail, and restaurant operations?
Marketing research in todays business environment : HC2022 Market Research - The impact of technology on marketing research in today's business environment. This report should be addressed to Executive team
Discuss the range of jobs in the field of accounting : Then, discuss the range of jobs in the field of accounting and identify the basic skills / trainings that one should acquire in order to pursue a career.
Workweek to reduce gas consumption and air pollution : Gas prices are skyrocketing, and many companies and municipalities are switching to a four-day workweek to reduce gas consumption and air pollution.
Discuss pharmacological management in relation to symptom : Discuss the pharmacological management in relation to symptom relief and ongoing management. Link your discussion to the relevant pathophysiology of condition
Creating two important elements of a financial plan : "One of the most important steps in launching a new business venture is fashioning a well-designed, practical, realistic financial plan".



11/26/2018 2:39:16 AM

They have highly experienced staff and they did it in so professional manner that my professor appreciated me for my assignment. The rates are quite affordable


9/10/2018 2:01:47 AM

Marking Criteria; Executive Summary 3 Main body (showing evidence of your understanding of Marketing Research and the potential role for data analytics based on social media), with appropriate in-text referencing 10 Language 2 Layout and professionalism 2 Referencing (in-text and bibliography) 3 Total 20

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