Marketing audit project

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133589421


This marketing audit project will build on the study of the Scriptures, other scriptural references, the text, lectures and class discussions, and secondary research using the Belhaven Virtual Library. It would also be helpful if you conducted primary research on the organization by interviewing someone in the organization's marketing department. Collecting "collateral materials" (e.g., brochures, commercials, newspaper ads, etc.) would also be helpful in your evaluation of their marketing strategy. At least six references (including collateral materials and interview(s)) are required, including: What does the organization say about itself? Visit the organization website. What are other credible sources saying about the organization? Research newspaper articles, trade journal articles, etc., and health care accrediting agencies (e.g., The Joint Commission).

Reference no: EM133589421

Questions Cloud

Rule on applicability of the arbitration clause : How is the court most likely to rule on the applicability of the arbitration clause?
Lawsuits and court cases can become expensive : Lawsuits and court cases can become expensive in a matter of minutes, but why? Court Costs Before even having to pay a lawyer, y
Change distribution channels in the hospitality : Discuss how you think technology will change distribution channels in the hospitality and travel industries over the next five to ten years.
Identify the dependent variable : Identify the dependent variable (DV) in the following statement: Political party identification strength will cause a change in a person's sensitivity to media
Marketing audit project : This marketing audit project will build on study of Scriptures, other scriptural references, the text, lectures and class discussions and secondary research
Customer selection and product pricing : Melissa is allowed, within bounds, to set the price of the product. Suzanne has decision rights over both customer selection and product pricing.
Aircraft manufacturing industry had mixed results : Though Boeing's timber company was quite successful and profitable, the early years in the aircraft manufacturing industry had mixed results.
Drug use to acquisition strategies : While the podcast consistently explores business strategy topics, it ventures into diverse territory, from drug use to acquisition strategies.
Highlighting elements of the store location : Evaluate the importance of using a retailing mix for the retailers of your choice by highlighting elements of the store location


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