Marketing and finance functions within organisations

Assignment Help Financial Management
Reference no: EM133804501 , Length: word count:2000

Introduction to Business Studies

Learning outcome 1: Develop an understanding of Marketing and finance functions within organisations

Learning outcome 2: Develop an understanding of collaborative working practices

Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate an understanding of the main factors, both internal and external, which impact businesses

Learning outcome 4: Demonstrate knowledge of the role of HR, financial management and reporting within the organisation

Assignment task


Choose an organisation and discuss how ONE internal and ONE external environmental factor affect/impact that chosen organisation.

You are required to form groups in order to carry out this assessment. Please confirm your groups with your module tutor. [ maximum of 4 in a group]

The presentation should include: -
a) Introduction of your group and chosen business organisation
b) Discussion on how one internal and one external environmental factor affect your chosen organisation. Use a Swot analysis to aid discussions.
c) Each slide should have a narrative or written script (include a slide with sources, author/contributor).
d) Conclusion

TASK 2 : A Marketing Poster
This will relate to ONE part of the Marketing Mix, Promotion, Price, Place or Product. This is an individual element. (Note: this contributes to 30% of the weighting) Your Writing Experts Are Ready - Hire Now!
You are required to choose a business of your choice and design a poster addressing one element of the Marketing mix (product, price, promotion, place). On the first page is the poster, the second page is your argument/write up about 1-2 paragraphs

Choose a business and select one product that the business provides. Produce a poster to demonstrate one of the 4 P's that make up the marketing mix (These are Product, Price, Place and Promotion). Don't forget, you are assessing only one from the four. E.g. Price: Is the pricing strategy effective? What problems might the business face if they get the pricing strategy wrong?

Task 3. Report -
This is an individual piece of work.

Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the Human Resources (HR) and financial management strategies within a Business. Which of these do you feel contributes most significantly to the business success?

To complete this task, you will need to include the following in your report: -

Information on the Human Resources (HR) strategies of the organisation. Consider their recruitment strategy, training and development reward. You will need to identify evidence to support this section.

Information on the Financial management strategies of the organisation. Review their Profit & Loss and Balance sheet and analyse their strategies through research.

Evaluation/Conclusion - which of these strategies do you believe contributes most significantly to their success?

Reference no: EM133804501

Questions Cloud

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Marketing and finance functions within organisations : FY021 Introduction to Business Studies, Oxford Business College - Demonstrate knowledge of the role of HR, financial management and reporting within the organis
Subtrochanteric stress fracture of the left femur : The patient had subtrochanteric stress fracture of the left femur, which had been repaired with pin insertion three weeks earlier.
Permitted to sign pre-participation physicals : Are preparticipation physicals required for student athletes in New Jersey schools Which healthcare providers are permitted to sign pre-participation physicals
Choose two religions other than christianity : Choose two religions other than Christianity. Describe the attitudes toward death of persons within these selected religious beliefs.
Subgroups within older adult population : How does health and disability differ among subgroups within the older adult population and why are we seeing these differences?


Write a Review

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