Marketing and emarketing which is more effective-efficient

Assignment Help Custom Essay
Reference no: EM13135338

Which one do you think is more interesting or more relevant : Also if you have an opinion on any please share

1.Does the media, both print and broadcast, report fairly? Does it ever cross the line between reporting the news and creating the news?

2.Marketing vs. eMarketing. Which is more effective and efficient?

3.Advertising - Selling/promotion of a product or manipulation?

4.Stress: A product of materialism in society?

5.How does affiliation to specific political parties affect delivery, perception and interpretation of news?

6.Why has sensationalism become such an integral part of news reporting? How does it affect the viewer's psyche?

7.Nature Vs. Nurture: Are there Bad Genes or Just Bad Upbringing?

Update 1: Which would you prefer to read about if you had to choose one?

Reference no: EM13135338

Questions Cloud

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