Reference no: EM133025853
MARK1260 Marketing Research - University of Greenwich
Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate knowledge of the core topic areas under the discipline of Marketing Research
Learning Outcome 2: Undertake Data collection, preparation and analysis with the use of marketing research software
Learning Outcome 3: Prepare and present their finding in the form of a marketing research report
Assessment Details
This assignment requires you to produce a consumer research report.
This report should document the analyses that you have conducted, and your findings/interpretations from a research project commissioned by a client during your role as a Research Analyst. Your client has given you some data that needs analysing. It is up to you to decide how best to analyse the data. Data will be available on Moodle before Week 2.
Your client wants a full report which summarises the findings and proposes a future research proposal to address the business problem. The report should have the following sections:
Report Template
Title Page
Executive Summary
You should summarize your whole report within 300 words here, including your research topic, source of data, key findings, and key recommendation. Remember, this is NOT a signposting introduction.
Table of Contents
Introduction: In this section, you should clearly the purpose of the report. Introduce the current business situation of the brand/company/industry with evidence, such as market share, competitors, and recent or potential problems or market opportunities, and explain why this researchmay be important for this company.(Remember to contextualise the research within the use of relevant sources and literature) - 500 words
Method: Critically discuss the methods used in this research, what are the limitations, what data could be missing or would be beneficial to have included. Is the data collection appropriate? - 300 words
Data Analysis & Findings: the most important part, including quantitative (SPSS) and qualitative (thematic) results and analysis. Why such analysis is used? What are the results? What do the results tell us? Report the research findings. Discuss how the findings can have impact on your chosen company with the use of academic and industrial literature. -1100 words
1) Provide practical recommendations for marketers and - 300 words
2) Write a research proposal for a future study that can build on your research results and to address the business problems. (Purpose, methods, instrument and sample) -500 words
Appendix: Include at least one page of A4 for your analysis work, including SPSS outputs and qualitative coding scheme.
Reference: Please make sure you use Harvard Referencing
Assessment Domain 1:
Content, Knowledge and Understanding
Research context, literature review and methods
1. Demonstrate systematic understanding of key aspects of the research design, including sampling and data collection methods.
2. Critical evaluate different research methods and able to make informed judgement of methods that are most suitable to the business context
3. .Be able to contextualise the research in the current business situation including relevant sources as justification
Assessment Domain 2:
Range and Relevance of Research Informed Evidence-
Data analysis and findings
1. Accurately report and critically discuss the findings with academic or reliable industrial literature; discuss how the findings can have impact on your chosen business
2. Systematicallyanalyse the qualitativedata using basic thematic analysis.
3. Demonstrate the ability to use a wide range of SPSS tests to anlayse quantitative data accurately, including crosstab, Independent t-test, One-way Anova, correlation and regression.
Assessment Domain 3:
Cognitive/Intellectual Skills
Recommendations and future research
1. Ability to relate theory to professional practice for business audience and provide clear consumer insight and practical recommendation based on the data
2. Able to critically review the research process
3. Provide a further research proposal with justification of the research idea and the proposed research method using academic and reliable literature.
Assessment Domain 4: Communication, Organisation -
Graduate Employability and Application of Skills
Presentation of the report
Communication, Organisation and Presentation:
1. Express ideas effectively and fluently. Is able to communicate information appropriately and accurately using clear, accurate English,
2. Report is well organised and well presented, with clear subheading and executive summary
3. Report is presented in a professional way and address business audience.
Assessment Domain 5:
Referencing, sourcing, acknowledging and coverage
1. Sources used are all acknowledged in the text and reference list/bibliography, using correct academic citation - including online sources.
2. Referencing is consistent throughout. Follows a professional approach to academic practice.
3. Reference list is accurate and organised.
Attachment:- Marketing Research.rar