MARK 1115 Introduction to Marketing Assignment

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133028504

MARK 1115 Introduction to Marketing - Langara College


Assignment Overview:

In teams, research and analyze the marketing strategy of a Canadian company and draw up a marketing plan with strategic recommendations for improvement. This semester the project will focus on Saputo Inc

This project is a team effort and may not be submitted individually.

The purpose of the project is to apply theoretical business knowledge (i.e. all of the concepts learned in this course), and to develop research, analytical, critical thinking, team building, team work, communication and written presentation skills-all of which are necessary to be successful in today's business world.

Team set-up:
You will be randomly assigned to teams. To view in what team you are go to MY TOOLS -> GROUPS in BRIGHTSPACE.

During the second half of the semester, your team will work on the case study described in this project guide.

Together all team members are to discuss, analyse and make recommendations.

Those of you who continue your studies in business will find that you will be using case studies increasingly as you move into more advanced courses.

Planning & Implementation Process:

1. Contact your team members and get to know each other ASAP. Exchange contact information (e.g. Langara email, other email, phone etc.). Your primary method of communication and the platform for the discussion of the project content should be your BRIGHTSPACE group discussion forum (see point 2 below). The secondary method of communication should be email in case the primary one is out of order and/or simply to confirm/resend what you have posted in the discussion forum.

2. It is highly recommended that you use the Group Project discussion area in BRIGHTSPACE. This will allow me to ensure full participation of all team members; have access to your case-related/relevant deliberations/discussions; and be able to offer assistance where/whenever necessary-all of which are part of my ongoing supervisory and support roles in this course.

3. Team member responsibilities: It is important for the group to openly discuss each member's strengths and weaknesses to be able to work together. Your responsibilities include the following:
• Project Manager (PM) & Assistant Project Manager (APM) - For the duration of the group project choose a PM to lead the team and an APM to support the PM's role. The PM with the assistance of the APM ensures that everyone is on track. That is, the PM with the support of the APM is responsible for: ensuring that all the activities are completed on time, to the satisfaction of the team, and as per team agreement; and for submitting the final draft on time via BRIGHTSPACE ASSIGNMENTS. The PM and APM do not complete the work on their own. Instead, the team is responsible for completing the work together, working under the direction of the PM and APM.

• Research & Analysis - All team members must be involved in gathering data and are responsible for analysing and drawing conclusions from the data.

• Written Report - Reports are business documents and should reflect your professionalism. As per LSM guidelines the report must be formatted using Chicago Style (see Group Project-Research & Citation Resources folder). Use of headings, titles and page numbers is required. You are expected to structure the report using the sections outlined in point 7 of this project guide. Before submitting it, make sure that it is proofread by all team members for content, grammar, spelling and conciseness.

4. Establish a list of meeting dates, times and virtual locations. Ensure that the times selected are acceptable to ALL team members. Failure to attend group meetings may result in your colleagues reducing your participation mark in their peer evaluation. It is highly recommended that you meet face to face via video conferencing (e.g. Zoom, Skype, FaceTime). When you meet, make sure you take meeting notes and post them in your BRIGHTSPACE group discussion forum. NOTE: Past experience shows that teams that meet regularly once a week via Zoom produce the best reports!

5. A Team Agreement (see form posted in BRIGHTSPACE) signed by all team members must be submitted via ASSIGNMENTS in BRIGHTSPACE (see 9. Deadlines for details). Students who do not sign the team agreement are de facto saying that they will not participate in the group project, will not be allowed to submit the project individually, and will thus earn by default 0% for the group project.

NOTE: In order to get a good start with the group work it is highly recommended that you meet via video conferencing (e.g. Zoom, Skype, FaceTime) to discuss all of the above and do the team agreement.

6. The content of the report will be assessed based on the team's ability to provide the required content, apply the concepts learned in the course, as well as present work concisely, creatively and professionally (see points 7 & 11 for details).

7. Project Content Details:

The Report: Structure

The report should have max. 7500 words, which is about 30 pages (excluding title page, table of contents, footnotes and bibliography) double-spaced with 1" margins using 12 pt, Times New Roman or Arial font; as well as the structure and the content shown in the table below. Each section of the report is worth the number of points indicated in the table.

Company Background
Brief overview of the company history, mission statement, marketing goals and objectives (refer to the company's website and annual reports for the goals and objectives), as well as any other data that is relevant to your analysis of their current marketing situation.

Sustainable Marketing, Social Responsibility & Ethics
Identify and describe the company's Social Responsibility & Ethics Strategy. Does the company have a code of ethics? Does it publish a social responsibility report? Does the company operate in a socially responsible and ethical manner? Answer and explain all questions, and illustrate with concrete examples. Does the company practice sustainable marketing? Explain and illustrate with examples.

Analysis of the Marketing Environment
Analysis of the macro-environment of the firm: perform a PEST analysis (see videos and handout posted in week 3) based on actual research.
Analysis of the micro-environment of the company: describe the firm's CCIS
(customers, competition (direct & indirect), industry and suppliers).

Product Strategy Identify the product mix using a Product Mix table (see Appendix 5: Examples of Product Mix Tables). Describe in words the product mix table. In your description include mention of the product mix width and depth.
Choose ONE PRODUCT ITEM from the firm's product mix (e.g. Bistro SelectsTM Savoury Frites, Sweet Potato Crinkle Cut Fries, Pizza Pockets Meat Lovers, Dipn' Wedges). Complete the rest of the product strategy section as well as all other Marketing Mix sections of the project focusing on your chosen product item.

6.Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning & USP

For your chosen product, describe in detail the target market(s) using all pertinent segmentation bases (see Table 7.1 on page 241, 6th Cdn edition). Identify the targeting strategy (undifferentiated, differentiated, concentrated, micromarketing). How can you tell this is the strategy used? Describe the product positioning and illustrate it using a perceptual map. Then, determine and describe the value proposition

7.Consumer Decision Making Describe the level of involvement that the customers experience when buying your chosen product (see handout posted for ch 6). Then, identify and explain the type of consumer buying decision (routine, limited, extensive) that customers have when purchasing it.

8.Pricing Strategy Identify the overall pricing objective for your chosen product (profit- oriented, sale-oriented). Explain how you can tell. Determine the pricing strategy/ies that the company uses. Explain how you can tell.

9.Distribution Strategy

Identify the product's distribution strategy (intensive, selective, exclusive). How can you tell? Describe the type(s) of channel used to distribute the product, as well as the company's role & position in the channel.

10.Promotion: Online Marketing Strategy

Identify and describe the Online Marketing Strategy used to promote your chosen product.
What does the company do specifically to gather and leverage customer information? Do they have a static or revenue-generating website? What value does the web-site provide to current and new customers? Does the Website provide a personalized and convenient shopping experience? Does it build a customer profile? Is this profile automatically deployed on subsequent visits? Customer service/contact options? Is the Website actively involved in conducting marketing research? Do they use social media? If yes, how? Make sure you answer all questions and explain thoroughly.

11. Promotion: Other Promotional Mix Elements, Promotion Strategy & IMC

Describe each one of the other four elements of the promotional mix. Identify and explain the promotional strategy/ies (push, pull or both) the company uses to promote your chosen product. How can you tell?
Does the company practice IMC, i.e. is each one of the 5 elements of the promotional mix integrated with consistent messaging? Explain.

12.Competitive Advantage & Competitive Strategy Identify and explain the firm's competitive advantage for the chosen product. The competitive advantage should be linked to the product positioning and value proposition identified in the STP section. Then, identify the competitive strategy used for this product (product differentiation, low- cost leadership, cost focus or differentiation focus - see the Competitive Advantage Strategies mini-video lecture and the handout posted in week 2, ch 2). Explain how you can tell.

13.SWOT Analysis Perform a SWOT analysis relevant to your product. Use bullet point format.

14.Strategic Recommendations for Improvement Recommend improvements to the product strategy of your chosen product. Explain why you recommend them. How should it change as it moves through the PLC?

Attachment:- Introduction to Marketing.rar

Reference no: EM133028504

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