Margins for legible copy-editing

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Reference no: EM131036360

If you get theopportunity to review a book for a scholarly journal, you will haveto follow guidelines and meet the word requirement. This guideline isshamelessly copied with a few adjustments from the Texas stateHistorical Association's online page

  1. Please complete the review on or before the assigned date.

  2. All reviews should be typed and double-spaced with sufficient margins for legible copy-editing.

  3. A review of a single book should be approximately 600 words long. Please limit your review to the assigned word count, as space ... is limited. If for some special reason you find it necessary to exceed this limit, please indicate why.

  4. Quotations from the book can be effective, but please keep them short, quote accurately, and indicate the location (page number) of each quotation, even if you quote only a word or phrase.

  5. When referring to other published works within your review, please include the publisher and publication date (or, at the very least, publication date) in parentheses following the author and title of the work.

  6. Please include in your review a brief summary of scope, purpose, and content of the book and its significance in the literature on the subject. Include also an evaluation of the author's success in achieving purpose, use of available sources, and organization and presentation of material.

  7. The evaluation of the book may be favorable or unfavorable, but the review in all cases should avoid personality issues and express criticism in courteous, temperate terms. However much the reviewer may disagree with the author's point of view and conclusions, the reviewer's obligation to the author and to the readers of the review is to provide a fair and balanced statement of the book's contents and conclusions. The reviewer should avoid digressive essays that might well appear in his own works. A book can seldom be fairly criticized for not being another book.

The California Gold Rushand New American Dream by H.W. Brands represents a lot of fortunes that areremembered and forgotten. It help Americans learned their destinies and strategies on how tobecome extremely wealthy really fast. The Americans went through the process of thinking onhow to change their lives and it lead them to go to the West. The state of Californiahad enlarged frontier territory which was not ceded to the United States of America from Mexicowhen gold was first found in 1848 at an area called AmericanRiver(an area above Stutter'sFort).After this happened , hundreds of individuals gather togetherto search of some riches.Cities were spread away from each other as well as result of demands for all types of servicesand supplies.

Meanwhile, Californiabecame a state that made unforgettable history. It became the fastest journey to statehood inU.S. and became a its own state in 1850.This history lead California to have extremely highgrowth economically, politically, and socially.

Author H.W. Brands usesthis book to inform the readers the stories that shows Americans' character when it was atbest and worst and he reveals the national issues as well. Brands played an important role by getting involved in a concept that would lead around the ratification of the stateof California's statehood. It hurried the clouds that would lead tothe Civil War(1861-1865 todetermine the survival of the Union or independence for the Confed eracy).Great figures suchas John Freemont, George Hearst, and Jesse Fremont was discussed by Brands which in hiseyes great stories and he also reveal the great fortunes thatdisappeared.

Brands made anunderstanding that the Gold Rush made a great effect on the Americans which lead themto find their destines and knowing what they need to do to become wealthy quickand fast which this research developed Brands' belief . In 1848,gold was first found on theAmerican River and it cause a high transformation such as helpingthe stateof California's gold draw fortune-seekers and help imperialexpansion of America. H.W. makes anunderstanding that (Age of Gold: California Gold Rush and NewAmerican Dream lead the AmericanDream come true which it took courage, energy, wisdom, and power to lead it happened.

Reference no: EM131036360

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