Reference no: EM133141969 , Length: word count: 3500 words
MAR036-6 Brand Communication and Reputation Management Assignment - University of Bedfordshire
Unit learning outcomes -
1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:
Demonstrate a thorough understanding and broad knowledge of the function of marketing communications tools in integrated brand communication programmes by appreciating market segmentation and branding issues and by judging the effectiveness and outcome of their applications in both analogue and digital media.
2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:
Analyse and critically evaluate strategies for managing reputation and demonstrate how the success of PR activities might be assessed individually and in the context of an overall marketing strategy.
Assessment - Reflective Report
You will be asked to consider the impact of Climate Changeon brand reputation and trustwith ad agencies and their clients.
With reference to the Extinction Rebellion lettersent to all the UK ad industry, please undertake the following tasks;
1- Outline how you think UK ad agencies and their clients could respond to this to avoid the environmental and social impacts mentioned in this letter (at least 700 words)
2- Then please choose two brands with activity from within the last 24 months; (2,100 words)
- one which has managed to exceed customer and stakeholder expectations with its activity to address climate change;
- one which has fallen short of expectations and impacted its reputation negatively
- provide a critical analysis from a comparison of the brands in relation to the above points.
3- Based on your comparison and findings above, please construct a set of guidelines including 5 relevant points to inform companies how best to manage theirapproach to climate change, communications,reputation, marketing and brand,going forward(700 words)
Compare and contrast PR responses to contemporary cases of crisis handling and reputation management.
Compare and contrast PR responses to contemporary cases of crisis handling and reputation management.
Construct a set of guidelines for effective crisis handling in a contemporary media and social context.