Reference no: EM132792131
-The position that many psychological disorders can be viewed as more extreme manifestations of common human tendencies, that is, a human characteristic taken to a more intense level. Based on the readings and material presented in class, provide 3 clear examples of a disorders that appear to represent exaggerated forms of typical human behaviors or traits. Defend your selection
-Which of the perspectives (e.g., biological, behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic, socio-cultural) seems to provide the more powerful explanation of the causes of psychological disorders covered so far this quarter? Which perspective offers the best model for treating psychological disorders. Defend your answer with evidence (e.g., examples from studies). Choose two approaches to abnormal psychology (psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, biological, sociocultural). Compare and contrast their approaches to clinical assessment. What types of assessment tools (e.g., projective tests, self-monitoring diaries, observation) reflect each of the following paradigms: psychodynamic, cognitive, biological, and behavioral?
-Describe the similarities and differences between a state of hypnosis and a dissociative state. In your opinion did the individual who you viewed in the video inserting a fishing needle through his arm while not apparently experiencing any discomfort demonstrate a dissociated state or self-hypnosis? Defend your answer.