Managing the risks associated with the supply chain

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133262732

Exploring vulnerability and resilience of shipping for coastal communities during disruptions: findings from a case study of Vancouver Island in Canada

after you have finished reading the case study:

1. Do you agree that managing the risks associated with the supply chain is the most effective tactic for the people who live on Vancouver Island? Justify your answer.

2. What is the significance of working together / collaboration throughout the supply chain from the point of view of the island that is being studied? Justify your answer.

3. Considering the information presented in the case study, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the assertion that "JIT is always a blessing for the customers or residents"?

4. According to the case study, do you think supply chain functions are preferable than logistical activities?

5. From the point of view of the case study, what are the advantages of having an effective supply chain system in place?

Reference no: EM133262732

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