Reference no: EM133779621
Relationship of this assignment with Course and Unit Learning Outcomes
Topic - Dieback
Learning Outcome 1: Describe and identity a range of environmental and sustainabilify management mechanisms available to encourage behaviour change at the local, regional, national and international scales.
Learning Outcome 2: Evaluate the effectiveness of managing key environmental and sustainability issues.
Learning Outcome 3: Make a compelling argument to an identihed decision maker as to how a management mechanisms can be strengthened.
Relationship to EIANZ Professional Skills:
The Environmental Institute of Australia and New Zealand (EIANZ) is the professional association For Environmental Practitioners. Gore skills associated with EIANZ practitioners which are introduced by this task include:
- recognising the need for locating and being able to use credible information to develop new skills and knowledge.
- critically analysing and synthesising data/information:
- understanding and representing the context of activities at local. iegionat and global scales.
Retatienship to EIANZ Professional Skills:
The Environmental Institute of Austratki end New Zealand (EIANZ) is the professional association for Environmental Practitioners. Core skills associated with DANZ practitioners which are introduced by this task include:
recognising the need for, Ipcaiing and being able to use credible Information to develop new skills and knowledge
critically analysing and synthesising data/Information:
understanding and representing the context of activities al local, regional, and global scales.
References and Paraphrasing
Acknowledge end write all evidence aria ideas from sources in your own words using in-text references in the body of the reimil and end-EOM references (Reference trot} at ihe end at the submission using APA.
HOWEVER you are expected to submit your own ideas and paraphrased matenats not direct ropy of the contents from resources projects in the sections.