Managing innovation integrating technology 1unit-1 case

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Reference no: EM13455476

1)Unit-1 Case Study studyguide(Attachment) page 29-1250 words(Excluding Format) (If any question says page no "" Please look at that page in given book in below given details.) 2)Unit-2 Case Study studyguide(Attachment) page 45-1250 words(Excluding Format) (If any question says page no "" Please look at that page in given book in below given details.) 3)Unit-3 Case Study studyguide(Attachment) page 71-1250 words(Excluding Format) (If any question says page no "" Please look at that page in given book in below given details.) 4)Unit-4 Case Study studyguide(Attachment) page 96-1250 words(Excluding Format) (If any question says page no "" Please look at that page in given book in below given details.) 5)Unit-4 Mini Project studyguide(Attachment) page 97-1250 words(Excluding Format) (If any question says page no "" Please look at that page in given book in below given details.) 6)Unit-5 Case Study studyguide(Attachment) page 123-1250 words(Excluding Format) (If any question says page no "" Please look at that page in given book in below given details.) 7)Unit-6 Case Study studyguide(Attachment) page 124-2700 words(Excluding Format)Be careful this is assignment is very important try to incorporate all above lesson and topics learned in this chapter. 5 Discussion Questions Each 100 words(I am going to provide discussion questions as i get to know) Book Details User id: [email protected] Password:calu123 Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Third Edition If you have any questions don''t hesitate to contact me

Reference no: EM13455476

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