Managing human resources

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132887290

Managing Human Resources

1. Create a job advertisement to attract potential servers to work at your cafe.

2. Identify 3 knowledge/skills/ abilities/experience requirements that you would consider to be important for working at your cafe.

3. Create a list of 5 interview questions to ask your applicants during the interview process, and make sure you relate them to the knowledge/skills/abilities/experience identified in # 2.

4. What advice would you give your fellow classmates about staffing a cafe?

Reference no: EM132887290

Questions Cloud

Weaknesses of the millennial generation in the workplace : Express Employment Professionals reported in "America Employed" that Millennials-those born approximately between 1980-2000-bring exceptional technological savv
What are employment interviews best suited to assess : See the following questionsjob applicants have to be screened with a great care? explain.
What is the amount of expense recognized : Meetings of incorporators, state filing fees, and other company expenses 5,000. What is the amount of expense recognized
What is the total contribution margin for next quarter : The variable cost per case, including both manufacturing and selling costs, is $105. What is the total contribution margin for next quarter?
Managing human resources : 1. Create a job advertisement to attract potential servers to work at your cafe.
Society response to crime impacts public policy : Write a essay that describes how society's response to crime impacts public policy, sentencing, practices, and correctional operations.
What is the margin of safety in both units and sales dollars : The company must sell 132,000 cards every quarter to break even. What is the margin of safety (MOS) in both units and sales dollars?
What is the proper time or time period : What is the proper time or time period over which to amortize an intangible asset if there is no forseeable limit on the period of time over
Determine the before-tax income : Determine the before-tax income. Triad Company had fixed costs of $230,000 and variable costs of 80% of total sales revenue, earned $71,500.


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