Managing diversity in the workplace

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133358234


"Our organization already has an employment equity program in place--so we are already managing diversity in the workplace. We do not have to do anything else!" As a HR Prtofessional, you just heard that statement in a meeting with senior managers. What messages does this statement send and how might you respond?

Reference no: EM133358234

Questions Cloud

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Human resource management : which falls within the area of human resource management or is a public policy issue relevant to HR, employment, the workplace, careers, etc.
Managing diversity in the workplace : Our organization already has an employment equity program in place--so we are already managing diversity in the workplace.
Financial literacy. : Both support the foundation for this course--financial planning. you are to provide specific examples of how the time value of money impacts
HIPAA violations and medical record case reviews : HIPAA violations and medical record case reviews, rule changes, ethics, eprescribing, documentation, billing, security, health IT safety, and similar topics.
We make between well-known debate about agent orange : We make between the well-known debate about Agent Orange and the newer, lesser-known controversy about the health impacts of burn pits?
Diagnostic statement-listing the principal diagnosis first : Code the following diagnostic statement, listing the principal diagnosis first. Answer diagnosis code(s) only, code description not needed.


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