Managing diversity and discrimination in the organization

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Reference no: EM133143728

Rubis Energy Jamaica is continuing to demonstrate its endorsement of gender equality in the workplace with its most recent appointment of the company's first female bulk road vehicle truck driver. Pleased with the selection of 46-year-old Carol Clarke in September 2019; Rubis executives are encouraged that more females are taking steps to fill posts that have been deemed 'gender-restricted' in the past. The human resources manager at Rubis, Donovan Dobson explained that Clarke went through the typical application process and met the qualifications for the post. "Miss Clarke was actually one of two females amongst several males to apply for the post. She possessed the necessary skills and qualifications for the position; and was deemed most suited based on Rubis' high standards," he said.

"I am treated equally by the other truck drivers. They don't treat me any different or suggest that I am unable to complete any of my tasks because I am a female and this is why I am so excited to be a part of this team I consider as my family," Clarke shared.

Clarke's employment comes amidst the advanced stages of Rubis' qualification for certification in the United Nations development programme's (UNDP) gender equity seal programme. Prerequisites for this globally recognized certification require participating companies to eliminate gender-based pay gaps; increase women's roles in decision-making; enhance work-life balance and women's access to non-traditional jobs; eradicate sexual harassment at work and the use of inclusive, non-sexist communication. Rubis has met the prerequisites.

Question 1

Discuss content in the passage, how Rubis is managing diversity and discrimination in the organization.

Reference no: EM133143728

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