Reference no: EM131257040
For the Session Long Project this session you will be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal experiences in the workplace. You likely have experienced many if not all of the concepts at one point or another in your career, but you may not have been familiar with the precise terminology.
In preparation for the SLP, make sure you have a thorough grasp of the terminology from the background materials including the main sources of power and types of power tactics. Once you are comfortable with the terminology and concepts from the background materials, think of a manager that you worked with closely who held a fair amount of power at the organization you worked for. Then write a 3-page paper addressing each of the following questions. For each answer, make sure to cite at least one reference from the required background readings.
What were this manager's main sources of power? Include a discussion of reward power, legitimate power, and expert power as well as other sources of power discussed in the background readings.
Discuss some power tactics used by this manager. Include a discussion about whether or not this manager used the power tactics discussed in Anderson (1998) and Luthans et al. (2015) from the background materials.
Did this manager make good use of his or her sources of power and power tactics, or did they misuse or abuse their power?
Luthans, F., Luthans, K. W., & Luthans, B. C. (2015). Chapter 10: Power and Politics. Organizational behavior: An evidence-based approach. Charlotte, North Carolina: Information Age Publishing, pp. 280-287
Anderson, D. A. (1998). Using power and influence tactics for better results. Marine Corps Gazette, 82(12), 37-38
Compute mad and mape for managements technique
: Compute MAD and MAPE for management's technique. - Do management's results outperform (i.e., have smaller MAD and MAPE than) a naive forecast? - Which forecast do you recommend, based on lower forecast error?
How the organization motivates or maintains the morale
: Explain how the organization motivates, or builds and maintains the morale, of any three of its stakeholders using one content, one process, and one reinforcement theory
Regaining organizational health and vitality
: Review the background materials on leadership traits, behaviors, and styles. Then do some research on Alan Mulally's leadership style and personality. Here are a few articles to get you started:
What will be the demand during each season
: With a major expansion planned, Kelle projects sales next year to increase to 1,200 radials. What will be the demand during each season?
Manager main sources of power
: What were this manager's main sources of power? Include a discussion of reward power, legitimate power, and expert power as well as other sources of power discussed in the background readings.
Supervisor personality and leadership traits
: How would you describe your supervisor's personality and leadership traits? Would you describe your supervisor's behavior as being task-oriented, or people-centered/relationship-oriented?
Evaluate aristotle six types of government
: Evaluate Aristotle's six types of government. In doing so, please be sure to list and define the categorizations. Please then assess how these classifications can be useful today to someone analyzing current governmental structures.
Calculate the mean absolute deviation
: Forecast the high temperature today, using a 2-day moving average. - Calculate the mean absolute deviation based on a 2-day moving average.
Prepare dfcf stock valuation and eva or mva analysis
: Prepare DFCF Stock Valuation (Discounted Free Cash Flow Stock Valuation) and EVA/MVA Analysis. Discuss, interpret and explain the assumptions (variables) used in the analysis.