Management wants more agile workforce

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Reference no: EM133378138


While designing the job for your employee teacher, the management wants a more 'agile' workforce. What elements would you add to your teacher's KSA to make them 'agile' and 'entrepreneurial?'

Reference no: EM133378138

Questions Cloud

Significance of attenuation coefficient : Explain the significance of the ATTENUATION COEFFICIENT? What is a THERMOCLINE? When do they occur? Where do they occur?
Compare life around hydrothermal vents and cold seeps : Compare life around hydrothermal vents and cold (methane) seeps. Include in your discussion both the biotic (living) and abiotic (non living) factors.
Discuss traditional costing : Discuss traditional costing and why a better approach is/was needed. Activity based costing (ABC) is the solution since it will enhance the accuracy
Unions and collective bargaining : Do you feel there is still a need for unions and collective bargaining? You should take a position and defend your position with evidence, either from textbook
Management wants more agile workforce : While designing the job for your employee teacher, the management wants a more 'agile' workforce.
People perceptions of service by non-verbal attributes : Discuss body language and actions that can impact people's perceptions of service by non-verbal attributes.
Improve efficiency in service industry : What are some advantages and disadvantages of automation in hotels? What types of technology are available to improve efficiency in the service industry?
When studying process control chart tracking : When studying a process control chart tracking one variable, what is meant by the statement, "The process is in a state of statistical control"?
What flow charts and cause and effect diagrams : Conduct research to explain what flow charts and cause-and-effect diagrams are and how they are used in the hospitality industry.


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