Management Research Report - Use of Software and big data

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM131885016

Assignment -

Write a Management Research Method (MRM) Report on given Topic.

Topic - "Use of Software and big data in Human Resource Management".

 Learning Outcomes -

1. Critically examine scholarly literature in order to be able to select, focus and reflect on choice literature that motivates your (business and management) research to write up a critical review of your chosen literature;

2. Understand research design issues, and conceive, frame, and articulate one or more personal research questions that motivate(s) your research;

3. Critically evaluate, draw on, and present, orally and in writing, appropriate research methods to collect empirical data for your research project;

4. Critically evaluate, select, and draw on quantitative and/or qualitative data analysis methods for your research project.

Instructions & Assessment Criteria - For the instructions and the assessment rubric see the separate document called "MRM Assessment Brief" that is available on the respective Moodle site.

Formative assessment - Formative assessment is non-marked work designed to help you develop your main piece of coursework to an acceptable standard for submission. We expect all students to complete the formative assessment which is an individual interim draft version of selected elements of the summative assessment (maximum 3 sides of A4) handed in as a hard copy during class in session 5 of the module. This work will then be peer reviewed by a fellow student on the module with final comments from the module tutor. You will be asked to review someone else's work as part of this peer review process. The work will be returned to you in session 7. This interim work will not attract marks but will provide you with valuable feedback on your progress to help you develop your own critiquing skills.

Referencing - Ensure you use the Harvard referencing system when citing and referencing other's work.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

In the modern era of the big data, the enterprise management is going through tremendous changes. In the company, the human resource department is considered as one of the most important department which has also been got affected due to the big data. This assignment focuses on the era of the big data and its impact on the human resources management. This includes talent training, recruitment, talent assessment and many more

Reference no: EM131885016

Questions Cloud

What are your recommendations to susan : What does she need to do to reach her goals? What steps are necessary for Susan to get her finances in order? Explain.
How whole foods builds competitive advantage using quality : How Whole Foods builds (or tries to build) competitive advantage through:a. Quality b. Efficiency c. Innovation etc.
Explain the impact the given policies will have on you : Compare the opposing viewpoints regarding the effect of tax cuts on economic growth and explain the impact these policies will have on you and your family.
Explain the factors of the trial : Select a recent high-profile court case from the past 2 years. Identify and explain at least 3 factors of the trial that could prevent the defendant.
Management Research Report - Use of Software and big data : Write a Management Research Method (MRM) Report on given Topic. Topic - "Use of Software and big data in Human Resource Management"
Formulate a policy and plan for reducing poverty : Based on the course materials and discussions, formulate a policy and plan for reducing poverty in third-world countries.
How health law has changed over the past several decades : Research regulations and health law on fraud and abuse. How health law has changed over the past several decades to address fraud and abuse.
Examine your personal level of intercultural communication : Identify what techniques you can implement to improve the likelihood that your communications will be received and understood as you intended.
Calculate the net present value of this investment : Calculate the net present value of this investment. Calculate the internal rate of return from the investment in education (round answer to a whole percent).



3/3/2018 12:45:45 AM

No Of Pages/Words: 3500 words. Message: Hello, I want Management Research Method (MRM) Report on this topic "Use of Software and big data in Human Resource Management". I have attached all the important attachments. I need this report in this month according to Harvard Referencing style and with no plagiarism. Thank you.


3/3/2018 12:45:40 AM

Submission of Assignments - All assignments need to be submitted electronically through Turnitin a designated Moodle webpage. A hard or printed copy of your assignment is not necessary and will not be marked. All submissions must be recorded by Moodle as having been received on the respective due dates below. All submissions must be made as a Word file (and not as a PDF) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes: Please remember if you submit a draft copy of your work via Turnitin before the due date and time, and you then try and submit a revised copy after the deadline, Turnitin will not accept this. It is extremely important that you submit your final piece of work on time. Remember too that it can take 24 hours to get your Similarity Index report back from Turnitin, so do take this into account when planning your work.


3/3/2018 12:45:35 AM

Never hand assignments to tutors, or put in staff mailboxes, or submit by email or fax. If you do not meet this deadline and you have mitigating circumstances, you will need to follow the mitigating circumstances procedures and provide the necessary documentary evidence. If the mitigating circumstances are accepted, the mark will be entered on to the grade sheet without penalty. If the mitigating circumstances are rejected, or there are no mitigating circumstances to consider, the mark will be penalized as described below.


3/3/2018 12:45:30 AM

Work submitted up to seven calendar days after the deadline will be marked, and feedback will be provided in the normal way. However, the formal mark for the piece of work that goes forward to the grade sheet will be capped at a bare pass (50%). Work submitted more than seven calendar days after the deadline will not be marked and the formal mark for the piece of work that goes forward to the grade sheet will be zero. No work will be considered if it is handed in after the lecturer has marked and returned the feedback to students. Failure to attend any in-class test or exam will be treated as a non-submission. Computer/printer failure will not be accepted as a reason for late submission.


3/3/2018 12:45:25 AM

Word Count - Students should state the word count at the end of the assignment and on the assignment coversheet. 10% over the stated word count is permitted without penalty. If students go beyond this, then there is a penalty of 5 marks for every additional 10% beyond the word count. The word count excludes references, and any tables, graphs, and appendices. Please note that appendices should only include supplementary information. There is no penalty for submitting a piece which is below the word count, but please note that shorter submissions are likely to attract poorer grades, particularly where they lack the necessary depth of analysis.


3/3/2018 12:45:20 AM

Referencing - Ensure you use the Harvard referencing system when citing and referencing other’s work. How will we support you with your assessment? An early draft of sections 1, 2 and 6 to be prepared for the week 5 seminar. This work will be assessed by peers with feedback from the tutor and discussed in session 7. Every seminar session is linked to your final piece of work to provide guidance and practice. FAQs on Moodle.


3/3/2018 12:45:15 AM

Assignment Submissions - The Business School requires a digital version of all (summative) assignment submissions. These must be submitted via Turnitin on the module’s Moodle site. They must be submitted as a Word file (not as a pdf) and must not include scanned in text or text boxes. They must be submitted by 3:00 pm on the given date.

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