Management produces win-lose result for both parties

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132149405

1. Howard Gardner is closely associated with

a. the development of IQ tests.

b. multiple intelligences theory.

c. emotional intelligence.

d. moral intelligence

2. Emotional intelligence refers to qualities such as understanding your own feelings, empathy for others, and

a. possessing above average verbal and math skills.

b. the ability to manage emotions.

c. having a good sense of humor.

d. understanding human relations research.

3. Which approach to conflict management produces a "win-lose" result for both parties?

a. compete

b. compromise

c. collaboration.

d. both b and c

4. The difference between a group and a team is (or are ) the

a. level of commitment

b. number of goals.

c. amount of conflict

d. the amount of interdependence

Reference no: EM132149405

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