Reference no: EM132775436
TRUE OR FALSE: Write the word TRUE for each correct statement; otherwise, write FALSE.
Question 1. __________ There is no need to perform substantive test procedures if control risk is at the "less than high" level.
Question 2. __________ Tests of details of balances focus only on testing the year-end balances of balance sheet accounts.
Question 3. __________ In performing analytical procedures, the auditors may use peso amounts, physical quantities, or percentages.
Question 4. __________ The completeness of recording of assets is generally verified by tracing from the source documents to the recorded entry
Question 5. __________ Statistical sampling cannot be used to test all control activities.
Question 6. __________ Management assertions fall into four main categories.
Question 7. __________Audit evidence includes only written information used by the auditor in arriving at an opinion about the fairness of financial statements.
Question 8. __________The classification assertion refers to transactions and events being recorded in the correct accounting period.
Question 9. __________The completeness assertion refers to ensuring that transactions and events that should have been recorded actually have been recorded.
Question 10. __________The relevance of audit evidence or specific audit procedures depends on the assertion being tested.