Management and leadership - external environment

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM1342342

Management and Leadership : key informaiton

For this assignment, you are to create a Policy Manual for new managers. This manual should provide guidance to the new incoming managers, as they set up their respective departments. This manual should clearly lay out the expectations that you, as the owner and CEO of this company, expect from each incoming manager. Below is the breakdown on the five sections that must be addressed:

Section 1 of this manual should include a three-paragraph discussion of the external environment that this Internet access company will operate in. Think about the options the consumers currently have available to them in terms of Internet access, as you prepare your response for this section.

Section 2 will be three full paragraphs in length, and will outline the key points we have discussed related to Planning for this new company.

Section 3 will be three full paragraphs in length, and will outline the key points we have discussed related to Organizing for this new company.

Section 4 will be three full paragraphs in length, and will outline the key points we have discussed related to Leadership for this new company.

Section 5 will be three full paragraphs in length, and will outline the key points we have discussed related to Control for this new company.

Make sure your Policy Manual is relevant to an Internet company (i.e., speed to market, technical savvy, collaborative environment, etc.). Remember to use the Library or other Web resources to support your argument.

Reference no: EM1342342

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