Management action plan

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131060309

Management Action Plan (MAP) 

Please include documentation of all SEVEN steps in your submission of your MAP assingment. 

Management Action Plan (MAP)

This assignment is due in Unit VIII. Please include documentation of all seven steps in your submission of your MAP assignment.

  1. Clarify the problem or Opportunity For Improvement (OFI) Clearly describe the problem or OFI that you have selected for your MAP. Why is it important to resolve this problem right now? What are the consequences of not resolving this problem right now? (10% of your grade for this assignment)
  2. Clarify your Measureable Goal Clearly describe the desired outcome from your MAP implementation. What are you trying to accomplish? How will successful MAP implementation be measured and assessed? What realistic constraints do you have as you begin creation of your plan? Consider limits on time, money, and other resources that are specific to your MAP. (10% of your grade for this assignment)
  3. Prepare a List of Possible Actions Consider possible root causes of the OFI. Why do you believe the problem exists? Brainstorm and present a list of all possible actions that you may need to take in order to achieve your MAP goal. At this stage, focus on generating as many different options and ideas as possible. It is likely that not all of your ideas will make it into you final MAP. Write down your ideas just as they come to your mind, trying not to judge or analyze them at this stage. (10% of your grade for this assignment) In your brainstorming, be sure to consider ideas involving:
    • Leadership governance clinical performance
    • Physicians
    • Nurses
    • Clinical Support services
    • Knowledge management
    • Human resources
    • Financial management
    • Internal consulting
    • Marketing
      *It is understood that some of these areas may not apply to your particular MAP, but all areas should at least be considered in this process.
  4. Analyze and Prioritize Key Action Steps Review your list of possible actions. What are the absolutely necessary steps that are most likely to be effective in achieving your MAP goal? Bold these Key Action Steps. Also, determine which possible action items can be dropped from your list without significant consequences to the outcome; strike through these actions. (10% of your grade for this assignment)
  5. Organize your Key Action Steps into a Management Action Plan Decide on the sequencing of your Key Action Steps. Start by reviewing your bolded Key Action Steps. For each Key Action Step, what other steps must be completed before that specific action can be taken? Rearrange your Key Action Steps into a sequence of ordered activity. Then, look at your plan once again. Are there any ways to simplify the plan further before presenting it? (40% of your grade for this assignment)

Health Resources and Policy Analysis

VI. Accountability

For each Key Action Step, assign a responsible party or group within your hypothetical or actual organization (by position, department, or team name, not by individual name), and assign a suspense date by which the Key Action Step must be completed. Then, based upon all of your Key Action Steps and their suspense dates, provide a realistic completion date for the entire MAP. (10% of your grade for this assignment)

VII. Measurement and Monitoring

Explain in detail how you will measure the success of your MAP following implementation and how you will monitor ongoing performance to prevent regression and loss of the positive change that has taken place.

Reference no: EM131060309

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