Management accounting - ehsan electronics company

Assignment Help Managerial Accounting
Reference no: EM131137

Question 1

The following information appears in Tots' Toy Factory records for the year ended December 31, 20x6:

Administrative expense                                $21,550
Manufacturing building depreciation             12,500
Indirect materials and supplies                     2,150
Sales commissions                                        7,100
Direct materials inventory, January 1            8,200
Direct labor                                                   16,300
Direct materials inventory, December 31      9,000
Finished goods inventory, January 1            4,450
Finished goods inventory, December 31       4,050
Direct materials purchases                           10,150
Work in process inventory, December 31     5,550
Supervisory and indirect labor                      6,200
Property taxes, manufacturing plant            3,700
Plant utilities and power                              10,750
Work in process inventory, January 1          6,600
Sales revenue                                              97,200

Prepare an income statement with a supporting cost of goods sold statement.

Question 2

The following data were taken from the records of Cougar Enterprises, a Canadian manufacturer that uses a job-order costing system:

Work in Process, November 30

Job Number                                             170         175          180
Direct materials                                       $1,800    $2,400     $1,500
Direct labour                                           1,200       2,400       600
Applied overhead                                    600         1,350       450
Total                                                       $3,600     $6,150     $2,550

During December, jobs numbered 170 through 190 were worked on, and the following costs were incurred:

Job Number                        170            175         180            185         190          Total
Total Direct materials         $600          $ 900      $1,200       $1,350     $1,500     $5,550
Direct labour                      $750          $1,500    $3,000       $2,250     $6,000     $13,500
Direct labour hours            50              100         200            150          400          900

Additional information:

1. Total overhead costs are applied to jobs on the basis of direct labour hours worked. At the beginning of the year, the company estimated that total overhead
costs for the year would be $150,000, and the total labour hours worked would be 12,500.

2. Total actual overhead for the period January 1 - November 30 was $160,010. Direct labour hours worked for the previous 11 months (January through November) were 11,250.

3. Expenses for December were as follows (not yet recorded in the books of account):

Direct materials purchased                                        $7,500
Production supervisor salary                                       3,700
Amortization (plant and equipment)                            2,490
Factory supplies                                                          1,500
Sales staff salaries                                                      9,200
Utilities (factory)                                                          1,800
Administrative expenses                                             9,500
Total                                                                        $35,690

4. The company writes off all over- or underapplied overhead to Cost of Goods Sold at the end of the year.

5. Jobs numbered 170, 180, 185, and 190 were completed during December. Only Job 190 remained in finished goods on December 31.

6. The company charges its customers 250 percent of total manufacturing cost.

7. Cost of goods sold to December 1 was $358,750.

8. There were no jobs in finished goods on November 30.


1. Calculate the predetermined overhead rate used to apply overhead to jobs.

2. Prepare job-order cost sheets for each job in process during December.

3. What is the cost of work-in-process inventory at December 31?

4. Prepare a statement of cost of goods manufactured for December.

5. Calculate the gross margin for December.

6. Calculate the over- or underapplied overhead for the year. What effect would this amount have on net income?

Question 3

Ehsan Electronics Company manufactures two products, X21 and Y37, at its manufacturing plant in Duluth, Minnesota. For many years the company has used a
simple plant-wide manufacturing support cost rate based on direct labor hours. A new plant accountant suggested that the company may be able to assign support costs to
products more accurately by using an activity based costing system that relies on a separate rate for each manufacturing activity that causes support costs.
After studying the plant's manufacturing activities and costs, the plant accountant has collected the following data for 20x0:

ITEM                                                          X21                  Y37
Units produced and sold                      50,000          100,000
Direct labor hours used                      100,000          300,000
Direct labor cost                            $1,000,000     $4,500,000
Number of times handled                     40,000            20,000
Number of parts                                   12,000              8,000
Number of design changes                     2,000              1,000
Number of product setups                      8,000              6,000

The accountant has also determined that actual manufacturing support costs incurred during 20x0 were as follows:

COST POOL                                           ACTIVITY COSTS
Handling                                                    $ 3,000,000
Number of parts                                           2,400,000
Design changes                                            3,300,000
Setups                                                          2,800,000
Total                                                         $11,500,000

The direct materials cost for product X21 is $120 per unit, while for product Y37 it is $140 per unit.

Required -

(a) Determine the unit cost of each product using direct labor hours to allocate all manufacturing support costs.

(b) Determine the unit cost of each product using activity-based costing.

Reference no: EM131137

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