Reference no: EM133653234 , Length: word count:4500
Major project
Learning outcome 1: Select, critically justify and apply appropriate strategies for data collection and interpretation in relation to a specific research problem.
Learning outcome 2: Manage a research or work-based project in a way that is consistent with both professional practice and ethical principles.
Learning outcome 3: Demonstrate initiative and originality in addressing a research problem and advancing knowledge in their discipline.
To include a summary of the following:
Background :
-Rationale and context for the study
-Synthesis of current literature on the topic
Indicate clearly what is known and what gap in knowledge this work is addressing.
- Aim and objectives
A- Systematic Review
Research Question to be started clearly.
Design (Type of Systematic Review/secondary Research: Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods): definition and justification for why this design was chosen
Search strategy: databases searched, search terms used, any restrictions on the search, outcome of the search process, PRISMA flowchart if SR, justification for the search strategy and paper selection .
Study selection: inclusion/exclusion criteria, justification for criteria, framework used (PICO, PEO, SPIDER)
Critical appraisal: tool used, process used to appraise the quality of included studies
Ethical appraisal : process used to appraise the ethical quality of included studies (ethical approvals, informed consent, etc.)
Data abstraction : what variables were included in the analysis (exposures and outcomes)
Methodology Design (Primary Research: Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods):
definition and justification for why this design was chosen.
For quantitative studies this should be for example Survey, RCT, descriptive etc.
For qualitative study, this should be eg grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography or simply qualitative
Mixed methods-concurrent or sequential
Justification for the design
Study selection: inclusion/exclusion criteria, justification for criteria, framework used (PICO, PEO, SPIDER)
Critical appraisal: tool used, process used to appraise the quality of included studies
Ethical appraisal : process used to appraise the ethical quality of included studies (ethical approvals, informed consent, etc.)
Data abstraction : what variables were included in the analysis (exposures and outcomes)
B- Primary Research
Research question to be started clearly .
Methodology Design (Primary Research: Qualitative/Quantitative/Mixed Methods):
definition and justification for why this design was chosen.
For quantitative studies this should be for example Survey, RCT, descriptive etc.
For qualitative study, this should be eg grounded theory, phenomenology, ethnography or simply qualitative
Mixed methods-concurrent or sequential
Justification for the design
Type of sample eg random, purposive etc.
Description of sample
Justification for the above
Was a power calculation done, if appropriate (quantitative studies only)
Response rate
Data collection methods ,
sample size (n= ) and selection process including demographics if applicable.
Tool used (e.g. questionnaire, interviews)
Pilot study-if done what changes, if any, did this lead to.
When the data collection was done, time frame, location, methods,
Issues of rigour as appropriate
Validity/reliability, or Trustworthiness
Indicate the Criteria used, this should be appropriate to the methodology/design
Describe the steps taken to ensure rigour, e.g. audit trail, peer review-member checking.
Provide a justification and results for the above, don't simply state what was done.
Ethics (ethical approval, informed consent, etc.)
Ethics committee approval (for service evaluation, work based projects this may not be required)
Information and guarantees given to participants
Any special considerations and how these were dealt with
Safe storage of data
Governance arrangements
For research based in NHS settings confirmation of R&D approval should be stated
Data analysis
Describe data analysis process including software if used, if appropriate.
4- Results/Findings
A- Systematic Review:
A summary of the findings by themes OR output of a meta-analysis whichever is the case (This may include the use of graphs, statistics, and quotes and how you make reference to these)
B-Primary Research
Presented appropriately in line with methodology/design of the study.
Start with a description of the actual sample used in the study.
For quantitative studies include tables, graphs etc as appropriate.
For qualitative studies- use themes, include participants quotes.
Use subheadings as appropriate to structure the results.
Discussion of Findings;
A- Systematic Review:
Summary of major findings
Interpretation of the findings of included studies if SR, this needs to be placed in the wider context of current knowledge within literature (what do other studies say?)
Strengths and Limitations of the systematic review.
B- Primary Research Discussion
Summary of major findings
Outcomes of the study should be linked to the original aims/objectives
Must be linked to the wider literature (what do other studies say?)
Interpretation of findings in addition to also explanation of how the results relate to existing boding of knowledge.
Strengths and Limitations of the research.
6- Conclusion & recommendations for future research /practice/policy
Real conclusions, not just a repetition of findings
Recommendations for practice/education/management as appropriate
Recommendations for research 250 words
7- Rationale for Journal Chosen
Hypothetically, if you were to submit this to a journal, which journal would you choose and why? Include factors related to impact, audience, and publication history (500 words max)
8- References:
ARU Harvard referencing