Reference no: EM132377387 , Length: word count : 3000
MAN6302- Managing Project Quality
On completion of this Unit students should be able to:
• Analyse project quality issues in various project settings.
• Develop strategies that encourage innovation and continuous improvement in project teams.
• Formulate inputs into the various project quality processes.
• Analyse the key factors impacting on project quality.
• Develop appropriate tools and techniques for managing quality in these processes.
Completing these assignments will help you achieve the following course learning outcome/s:
• CLO1 Demonstrate mastery of a global body of project management knowledge and practice, including knowledge of research principles and methods
o Demonstrate breadth and depth of global discipline knowledge
o Demonstrate knowledge of practice in the global environment
o Demonstrate knowledge of relevant research principles and methods
• CLO5 Justify decisions and judgements that address a complex project management issue considering the ethical and social consequences
o 5.1. Examine and assess the intended and unintended impacts on diverse stakeholders
o 5.2. Provide professional opinions or interpretations of project management matters applying ethical principles, codes of conduct and values.
Assessment 1: Case Study - The New Royal Adelaide Hospital
Case Study Overview
In February 2011 construction began on the new Royal Adelaide Hospital (nRAH) project. With an initial budget of $1.7B (AUD) and a completion date of May 2016, this was to become one of the most expensive buildings ever constructed. Throughout the project a number of quality issues were encountered. For this assignment, you are required to analyse this project in order to identify and discuss these project quality issues.
Finding Relevant Information
You should begin by reviewing the material covered in the unit. You should also ensure that you are familiar with the textbook, articles referred to in the various modules, and PMOK. You should also find and read material produced by the Auditor General (AG) of South Australia. The AG reported to the State Parliament in 2015 and provided a Supplementary Report in 2017 and a follow up report in 2018,
and these reports provide useful background information and summarise some of the core issues.
You can find these reports at audit publications. This should be the starting point for your research for this case study. Remember, since this is a post-graduate project management unit, the marking rubrics require you to provide critical thought and solid references back to existing project management and general quality theory and practice. This also includes researching published academic papers and synthesising them to draw out the relevant themes that will underpin the work you will be producing.
As outlined in the Assessment Summary above, the Assessment 1 is an individual Case Study in two parts. Assessment 1a requires the submission of an Annotated Bibliography based on your initial research in support of an analysis of the Case Study in Assessment 1b. Your research for Assessment 1b will not be strictly limited to what you have submitted in Assessment 1a, however you would be disadvantaging yourself if your Assessment 1a research was not effective.
Words beyond 3,000 will not be assessed toward Assessment 1b.
Assessment 2: Portfolio: Quality Management in Practice.
Assessment 2 takes the form of a portfolio. Over the course of the Unit, a list of questions relating to the various aspects of project quality will be progressively built. You should answer all five questions listed below and prepare no more than 1,000 words to answer each question.
Answer all five questions in the following list:
1. "The global grounding of the Boeing 737 Max aeroplane demonstrates failures in compliance with established project quality processes". Discuss whether you agree with this statement with reference to Project Quality theory and relevant existing published academic research.
2. Using existing published literature, compare and contrast the roles played by that Quality Assurance and Quality Control in a typical project to construct a new supermarket.
3. Using publicly available information in Australian governmental audit reports (at either State or Commonwealth level) research and explain the role played by poor project quality in 3 publicly funded projects in the last 5 years.
4. With reference to the history of Project Quality Management, discuss with reasons whether you agree with the following statement "W Edwards Deming placed too much blame on workers when exploring quality failures in manufacturing".
5. Using established management self-reflection techniques, explore your approach to Project Quality by examining assignment work you have produced for either this unit or a previous unit of postgraduate study.