Reference no: EM132833867
MAN4014 The Professional Manager - Birmingham City Business School
Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate a critical awareness of management principles and practices that support organisational success.
Learning outcome 2: Identify and evaluate information from a range of sources to underpin academic research activity.
Learning outcome 3: Identify and consider the role of the manager and identify the skills and competencies required for the modern-day manager.
Assessment Brief:
The aim of this module is to explore management in terms of what managers do, and the skills they need to be effective. For this assessment you will work individually to undertake research and evaluate the role and skills of managers.
Undertaking primary and secondary investigation, produce an individual report which compares and contrasts differences in roles and skills of three managers drawn from
across the three levels of management: strategic, tactical and operational. This provides an opportunity to reflect on the competencies and skills required by today's professional manager and how these change across the different levels of management.
• All three managers can be from the same organisation, although this need not be the case.
• However, all managers must not be from the same management level (for instance all three managers cannot be tactical managers).
This is an individual piece of work. You are required to produce a report which compares and contrasts the roles and skills of three managers at different management levels. You will be interviewing these managers to discover what they do and what skills they need to enable them to do their jobs. Based the results of your interviews, you will also identify the differences in roles and skills across the different managerial levels.
Required tasks
This is a suggested structure for the student report to follow. This should comprise:
i. An Assessment Feedback Coversheet and Feedback Form (ACFF) clearly listing your full name and student ID (available on Moodle).
ii. Section 1: In this section, provide a very brief summary of the organisation(s) in which the managers work. Summarise key information - do not cut and paste directly from a website. Provide a brief description of the managers interviewed and state what levels of management they are at. Any work paraphrased from the Internet / webpages need to be referenced in BCU Harvard style format - this is available on Moodle. ~ 250 words.
iii. Section 2: In a table, identify and summarise the key responsibilities and skills each manager has (from your interviews) which suggest why they are effective. Make sure that the levels, roles and skills of each manager is clearly presented. In this section, ensure the names of the managers are anonymised (e.g. Manager 1, Manager 2 etc.)
~ 450 words.
iv. Section 3: Based on your findings in Section 2 critically review the roles and skills of managers in contributing to organisational success, identifying the differences between managerial levels. This section must be academically underpinned by directly comparing your findings with relevant theory, models and/or concept(s). Ensure that you apply a selection of theories, models and tools referenced in the module, again in BCU Harvard style format ~ 1,500 words.
v. Section 4: Conclude by reflecting on what you have learned, as an individual, from this activity in terms of what undergraduates need to develop a career in management. Identify and use a reflective model in this section and correctly reference this. ~ 300 words.
vii. Appendices: Transcripts of the interviews conducted, together with any documents relating to the creation of your individual report, for example, the interview/questionnaire questions used, etc. Please note that transcripts of the three interviews must be presented in the appendices. You will lose marks if this is not done.
Attachment:- Professional Manager.rar