Man-made thyroid replacement hormone

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131902982

Many people would like to blame weight gain and fatigue on a lack of thyroid, or hypothyroidism. Sometimes this is a true cause and other times it is not. Read about the man-made thyroid replacement hormone, levothyroxine (Synthroid) and reflect on the following questions. 

  • How do primary care providers determine that a patient needs thyroid replacement therapy?
  • What are the risks, if any, of just adding a small dose of levothyroxine to help a patient feel better even if they do not need the hormone?
  • What are the side effects of levothyroxine?

Reference no: EM131902982

Questions Cloud

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Man-made thyroid replacement hormone : Sometimes this is a true cause and other times it is not. Read about the man-made thyroid replacement hormone, levothyroxine (Synthroid) and reflect.
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