Making the best out of the worst possible outcome

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13110340

1. Suppose your company's method of making decisions under risk is "making the best out of the worst possible outcome." What rule would you be forced to follow?

2. "A portfolio manager needs to pick winners-assets or securities with high expected returns and low risk." What is wrong with this statement?

3. Do you favor anti-gouging laws as a means of protecting consumers from high prices following natural disasters, such as Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans? If so, why? If not, why not?

4. How does a price ceiling undermine the rationing function of market-determined prices? How could rationing coupons insure that consumers with the highest values get the limited amount of a good supplied when government prices ceilings create shortages?

Reference no: EM13110340

Questions Cloud

Hypothesis testing-maker of refrigerators : The maker of refrigerators buys bolts from two suppliers, and it is very important that the mean widths of the bolts received from both suppliers are equal since they must be used interchangeably.
Determine probability that sample has nonconforming watches : Using hypergeometric distribution, determine the probability that the sample of 6 will comprise 2 nonconforming watches?
Hypothesis-quality control application : A production line operates with a mean filling weight of 500 grams per container. Over filling or under filling presents a serious problem and when detected requires the operator to shut down the production line to readjust the filling mechanism.
Determine the size of a zone of inhibition : What are the four factors that determine the size of a zone of inhibition on any given substance tested against any given organism?
Making the best out of the worst possible outcome : How does a price ceiling undermine the rationing function of market-determined prices?
Calculate the total cost : The Cody City Chamber of Commerce periodically sponsors public service seminars and programs which are open to the public. Currently, promotional plans are under way for this year's program.
What will your body do biochemically : Dr. Atkins claims that those who follow his diet will "fly high" emotionally when CHO are removed from the diet completely during the first week.
Relation between critical value and p value : When doing hypothesis testing we have two ways of making a decision - the critical value method and the p-value method. While both give the same results in terms of determining whether to reject or not reject the null hypothesis
Compute standard deviation of the swipe rate : Find out the following Standard deviation of the swipe rate, What percentage of subway riders should re-swipe the card as they were outside acceptable range?


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