Making process versus individual decision making process

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133399901

You are Jimmy Cricket, CEO of Mudge Paper Company and Lauren's boss. You have come into the office early on the day after the Memorial Day Holiday to find Lauren's report on your desk explaining the events of the Friday before and her subsequent decision. You are not happy because this is the exact reason why you wanted group decisions and, as a result, you would like to bring Lauren up on the carpet ASAP. However, you decide to take a moment and collect your thoughts.

You decide to ask Lauren to explain her reasoning behind making the decision solo as opposed to having the group decide. You also decide to explain why you wanted the group to make decisions of this kind.

1. Write explaining each of the parties' point of view - Lauren's as well as the CEO's. Explain your final decision on whether or not to go through with the sale as well as WHY this is your decision.

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a group decision making process versus an individual decision making process by applying these concepts to the case study.

3. Discuss Lauren's bias in her decision making process and how it may have affected her choice to make the decision alone.

4. Identify the CEO's bias that may have entered the decision making process.

5. Discuss the business related facts within the scenario to develop an argument in favor of a group decision versus an individual decision.

Reference no: EM133399901

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