Making money is most important thing to consider

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133615290


There are a lot of things to consider when looking for a summer job, but which is most important? Making money is the most important thing to consider when looking for a summer job. Agree Disagree Explain why you voted the way you did.

Reference no: EM133615290

Questions Cloud

Where do you get your information about fashion : As a consumer, where do you get your information about fashion? How does each medium influence your buying decisions?
Custom swimming pools and water features : The CEO of Master Watercrafters is Sam Douglas. Master Watercrafters is a builder of custom swimming pools and water features,
About shoe sizes and heights to improve sizing of product : If you were doing a research study for a company that needed to know about shoe sizes and heights to improve the sizing of their product,
Off-color jokes about the church : The site was primarily used, however to advertise defendant's adult entertainment site and list off-color jokes about the church.
Making money is most important thing to consider : Making money is the most important thing to consider when looking for a summer job. Agree Disagree Explain
Explain the job and government department : Explain the job and its government department and what you would be doing for the community.
Violated california right of publicity laws : in the advertisement was a misappropriation of her likeness, and it violated California's right of publicity laws.
Violated california right of publicity laws : In the advertisement was a misappropriation of her likeness, and it violated California's right of publicity laws.
Disaster recovery planning ensure business continuity : How does disaster recovery planning ensure business continuity? Disasters like the 9-11 attacks are extreme and fairly unlikely to happen in your environment,


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