Making instructions document for employees

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM1322412

You have just been promoted from staff assistant in the Human Resources Office at Easy to Be Green to the new position of director of training, and your first project is to oversee the new reading, writing, and math courses. Recently, though, several department heads have complained that many employees do not know how to prepare and deliver presentations. You have begun to put together a short course on this, but the course will not be offered for a couple of months and only a small percentage of employees will be able to take it the first time. 

You decide that, in the meantime, you will create an instructions document that can be sent to all employees immediately. For some employees, who just need a refresher, this document will probably be enough. For others, it will be an interim solution until they are able to take the course.

1. Write the instructions in your own words, though of course you should draw on ideas and information that you have read and discussed for this course. If you do consult any sources apart from those used in the course, please provide parenthetical references as necessary throughout the document, especially if you use any exact language from a source, and list the sources in a Works Cited page at the end.

2. Use headings and bulleted or numbered lists to make the instructions as reader-friendly as possible. You may also use features like colour or font changes if you think these would enhance the visual effectiveness. If you do decide to use such features, make sure that they enhance rather than simply clutter the document.

3. Use at least two visuals, ideally of two different kinds, for example a screenshot to illustrate a step in the process of creating PowerPoint slides; a reproduction of a PowerPoint slide to illustrate how to create reader-friendly slides; a picture to illustrate a point about body language in presentations; or a diagram to illustrate where to stand in relation to a slide projector and screen. Visuals should, as much as possible, be integrated into the instructions, ideally through references in one or more steps of the instructions. For this purpose, you can label the visuals, for example as Figure A and Figure B.

4. Remember that the instructions should include preparing as well as delivering the presentation, so they might include, for example, a timeline for the stages of preparation. Feel free to imagine a particular topic if this will help you write this part of the instructions.

Reference no: EM1322412

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