Making a test plan for scribd website

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Reference no: EM131922498

Usability Engineering Test Plan Assignment

Making a Test plan for scribd website.

Test plan for larger user study (Scribd website): How to prepare a test plan:

Step 1: Gather information and identify tasks. Identify user profiles, market segments and aspects of the website that you will test.

Step 2: Screeners, tasks and scenarios Use the user profiles and draft a screener / questionnaire to identify the right participant in your test. Focus on the unique attributes that the user must have Define tasks that the users you recruit will perform. Please note that if the user requires an account, you must provide the account details to the user and avoid asking the user to create a new account. The task must not specify to log in, this is a step that the user decides to take if found necessary. Step 3: Test script, Observation Sheet and Consent Form Prepare:

  • A script to be read by the facilitator to the participant on the day of the test. The script must welcome the participant and provide them with the necessary information about the test
  • An observation sheet to note down your observation during the test
  • A consent form to be filled and signed by the participant

Step 4: Checking Do a run-through of the entire test to ensure that it will take no more than 45 minutes of the user's time. Assume that the tasks will take 3-10 times the time an expert takes to do the task.

Table of contents:

Section 1 - Participant and Recruitment Summary

Section 2 - Facilitator script

Section 3 - Screener and Pre-Test Questionnaires

Section 4 - Post-Test Questionnaire

Section 5 - Consent Form

Section 6 - User Task Description

Section 7 - User Task Sheets (for participants)

Section 8 - Source Documents

Need only section 2, section 3 and section 8 to be completed in the test plan.


Create or adapt a script to read to the participants at the start of the usability test. Include task specific questions you might ask at the completion of each task. If you use a publically available script remember to reference your source.

The facilitator script must include the following -

  • Participant introduction.
  • Testing the website and not the participant's abilities.
  • Video recording and the distribution and usage of it.
  • Duration of the test, the number of tasks, testing environment.
  • Participant can withdraw at any time, ask questions and encouraged to think aloud.
  • If you have used an external source / template, please reference the script in Section 8.


Includes your screener and pre-test questionnaire. Your screener questionnaire should contain sufficient queries to identify your target participant. The pre-test questions (usually included as part of the screener questionnaire) are used to compare characteristics of eligible users. If you adapt an existing questionnaire remember to reference your source.

  • Screening questions used to identify the eligible participant (Section 1)
  • Pre-test questions gather relevant information that may be useful for defining user characteristics
  • If you have used an external source / template, please reference the script in Section 8

SECTION 8: SOURCE DOCUMENTS - List the section and the reference used.

If you use templates from a source, reference that source here.

Section 2: Test Summary

Test summary questions were adapted from parts of the CHEAN Ethics Application Form for Negligible Risk.

Section 5: Consent Form

The consent form was adapted from two sources:

  • Usability Test Documents from the University of Washington
  • (2009) Bailey, G; Baillargeon, T; Barragree. C.D. Handbook on Developing Online Curriculum Materials for Teachers: Lessons From Museum Education Partnerships. Gerald Bailey, Tara Baillargeon, Cari D. Barragree (page 62).

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131922498

Questions Cloud

How do the plots intersect and do they overlap : How do these plots intersect, and do they overlap in terms of some of the main themes of the play?
What is the firm marginal cost of production : If the price of Labor, w = $12 per unit of Labor, what is the firm's Marginal Cost of production when the firm is producing 48 units of output?
Discuss the major perspectives in psychology : Discuss the major perspectives in psychology. What are the major assumptions associated with these perspectives? Which one stands out to you and why?
How many firms will there be in long run equilibrium : a) How much output will each firm produce? b) What will be the market price? c) How many firms will there be in long run equilibrium?
Making a test plan for scribd website : COSC1182/83 Usability Engineering Test Plan Assignment. Making a Test plan for scribd website. Create or adapt a script to read to the participants at the start
Calculate the following using the bankrate calculator : Calculate the following using the Bankrate calculator. You may use the Bankrate calculator for the remainder of the questions on this worksheet.
Determine which persuasive arguments will be most effective : Determine which persuasive arguments will be most effective, and then deliver the presentation in a manner that facilitates accomplishing your persuasive goal.
Quantity demanded and quantity exchanged : How will the price ceiling affect the quantity supplied, quantity demanded and quantity exchanged
Action in response to a negative externality : If government takes no action in response to a negative externality



3/31/2018 2:10:59 AM

Usability Engineering Assignment: - making a Test plan for scribd website. Section 1 is already done. I need only section 2, section 3 and section 8 to be completed in the test plan template I've provided. This work is my/our original work and no part of it has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made. No part of this work has been written for me/us by any other person except where such collaboration has been authorised by the lecturer/teacher concerned. I/we have not previously submitted this work for this or any other course/unit. I/we give permission for a copy of my/our marked work to be retained by the school for review and comparison, including review by external examiners.

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