Makes demand curves inelastic or elastic

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133071300

Question 1.

What makes demand curves inelastic or elastic? Give examples of products that are likely to have elastic demands and those that are likely to be inelastic. Why would any seller want to know whether the demand curve they face is elastic or inelastic?

Question 2.

Why might a multinational corporation with identical plants in different countries pay different wage rates to workers in the two countries even though their skill levels are the same? Does this strike you as unjust? Why might the higher paid workers object? In which country would the factory operators employ more sophisticated and productive machinery?

Reference no: EM133071300

Questions Cloud

Organization annual performance review process : What is the relationship between an organization's annual performance review process/evaluation assessment and employee motivation?
Meeting encountered : Describe the problems that the meeting encountered. Identify at least 4 specific ones and indicate what you might do about them.
Effective strategy implementation : Discuss the importance of leadership behaviors with effective strategy implementation.
Yielded additional valuable information : What approaches could have yielded additional valuable information? What were the most compelling topics learned in this course?
Makes demand curves inelastic or elastic : What makes demand curves inelastic or elastic? Give examples of products that are likely to have elastic demands and those that are likely to be inelastic.
Business analyst perspective : Find a mobile app and analyze the chosen app from a business analyst's perspective.
Evaluate company current financial plan : Evaluate the company's current financial plan, including charts and/or graphs showing financial data of JcPenny, and make recommendations for improvement.
Operational excellence of whole foods : Write a of research based paper on the Operations Management (OM) strategy of Whole Foods. what are the main reasons behind this growth?
Project design : Discuss projects designed to solve a problem and projects designed to develop an opportunity.


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