Make your personal code of ethics

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133524106

Lauren Smith -My Personal Code of Ethics I will treat others as I wish to be treated. I will dedicate myself to acting courteously in my day-to-day interactions with others, despite my mood or current life situation. It is important to me to have a positive impact on the people I come into contact with. I will be honest and transparent in my personal and professional life. While I reserve the right to own personal privacy, I am dedicated to the full disclosure of my professional life. I'm dedicated to not keeping information from a person who deserves access to it, but I recognize the reality of and expect to encounter situations that appear ambiguous. These situations will remind me to revisit my morals to determine whether withholding information would be in breach of my own code of ethics. I will always put forth my best effort, and I will maintain a healthy work-life balance. My effort is not always necessarily about the result, but about my adherence to my own standards in achieving them. I am dedicated to equally prioritizing my work and home lives when deciding how to spend my time and efforts. I am dedicated to continually improving myself. It's important for me to act with integrity every day. I believe that living by my virtues will encourage me to be the ethical person I want to be. I will keep my promises and honor my commitments. This includes promises to myself as well as my colleagues, friends and family. During times when my obligations to myself, my job and society conflict with each other, I will refer to my moral compass to evaluate my commitments on a case-by-case basis. I will remain accountable for my shortcomings or mistakes. I will hold myself accountable for any action that I am morally responsible for. To avoid situations in which I may be required to perform such actions, I will strive for as much autonomy as possible in my personal and professional lives. Accepting accountability if I cause any sort of harm includes righting unintentional wrongs. I will always uphold my beliefs. To maintain the expectation of others to exhibit confidence in me and respect my beliefs, I must maintain and embody my own beliefs. It may be difficult to perform unpopular actions, as they may not produce the most desirable outcomes for me, but my decisions will be made based upon my own virtues and self-imposed rules rather than fear of consequences. I appreciate my life and will be grateful for it every day. I recognize my advantages in comparison to others who may be less fortunate, and I will remain thankful for my life, and try to contribute to the improvement of my community through service and donations when possible. I fully embrace my core values and will hold myself responsible. I fully embrace my value and hold myself responsible for continuing to embody these values in my personal and professional lives. I will remain stringent in continuously improving myself and updating my values as my life evolves and am dedicated to making my family and friends proud of the person I am. I will also support my loved ones as well as my colleagues in their own journeys for selfimprovement. The personal code of ethics I have devised for myself will guide me to resolve any ethical dilemmas I encounter.

1. What is Lauren Smith's Code of Ethics?

2. Apply what you learned from above case study, please make your personal Code of Ethics.

Reference no: EM133524106

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