Make sure you hire the right person for the job

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133107049


As a new small business owner, what can you do to make sure you hire the right person for the job? What are some ways to manage and foster productivity among virtual employees? Lastly, what is one benefit that motivated you as an employee that you would offer your employees to motivate them?


Imagine you're mentoring one of the people in the scenario below who is experiencing a stressful situation in the workplace.

Ashlee and James both work together in accounting and are each responsible for half of an extensive presentation. Ashlee tries to work on the presentation a little each day, while James tends to wait until the last minute to turn in his portions of the project. But, because they rely on each other for certain tasks, Ashlee is often forced to wait for James and then rush to complete her assignments.

Ashlee complains that James' procrastination is causing her to worry about his work as well as her own and is giving her unnecessary stress. Likewise, James is stressed by Ashlee's anger and constant hovering. Because of the conflict, James is missing more work, and you suspect it's because he wants to avoid Ashlee.

Review Queen Latifah's strategies (either reaching out to others or time management) to help Ashlee or James with their situation.

How can you help either Ashlee or James rise above their stress using one of the two strategies?

Reference no: EM133107049

Questions Cloud

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Make sure you hire the right person for the job : what can you do to make sure you hire the right person for the job? What are some ways to manage and foster productivity among virtual employees?
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Group and team : Explain the differences between a group and team. Explain how the concept of conscious culture fits in with your strategy.


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